
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Administration Guide

8.7.1 Exporting management information of IM Configuration Management

By outputting (exporting) management information managed by IM Configuration Management and then inputting (importing) it, you can copy management information from one host to another. In addition, by editing the system configuration information that has been exported, you can easily modify it. This subsection explains the management information that is exported by the jcfexport command. For details about the jcfexport command, see jcfexport in Chapter 1. Commands of the manual JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Command and Definition File Reference.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Host information

Information related to the host managed by IM Configuration Management is exported to the host input information file and the collected host information file.

For details about the host input information file, see Host input information file (host_input_data.csv) in Chapter 2. Definition Files of the manual JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Command and Definition File Reference.

For details about the collected host information file, see Collected host information file (host_collect_data.csv) in Chapter 2. Definition Files of the manual JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Command and Definition File Reference.

(2) System hierarchy information

The system hierarchy information is exported to a file. You can edit the exported file and import it.

The information that is output differs according to the system monitoring method:

(a) Configuration information for agent monitoring

The name of the file that is exported is system_tree_information.txt.

The following table describes the configuration information for agent monitoring that is output to the file.

Table 8‒3: JP1/IM's system hierarchy information that is exported

Output item

Description of output value


  • Indicates the integrated manager, a site manager, or a relay manager that manages JP1/Base hosts.

  • The first managing host that is defined is the integrated manager, and the managing hosts subsequently defined are either site managers or relay managers.

  • Hosts are treated as managed hosts until the next host in square brackets [ ] appears.

  • If the system hierarchy is divided and defined, the host name is preceded by an asterisk (*).


  • A JP1/Base host that is managed by a managing host.

  • A site manager or relay manager is defined as a host managed by the integrated manager.

  • If the system hierarchy is divided and defined, the host name is preceded by an asterisk (*).

(b) Configuration information for remote monitoring

The configuration information for remote monitoring is exported to a file. The name of the file to be exported is system_remote_tree_information.txt.

The following table describes the configuration information for remote monitoring that is output to the file.

Table 8‒4: Configuration information for remote monitoring that is exported

Output item

Description of output value


  • Indicates the integrated manager or site manager that manages the remote monitoring configuration.

  • For a site manager, the host name is preceded by an asterisk (*).


A host that is managed remotely in IM Configuration Management

(3) Profile information

The profile information that is running on the host is exported. The files that are exported differ according to the system monitoring method:

(a) Profile information for agent monitoring

The profile information of the JP1/Base that is running on the host is exported. The file is exported to the first-level directory (host-name) and the second-level directory (JP1Base) under the definition_files directory. The log file trap action definition file is exported to the third-level directory (cf_log_file_trap). The following table describes the profile information that is exported.

Table 8‒5: Name of the files for exporting profile information for agent monitoring

Profile information

Export file name

Event forwarding settings file


Log-file trap action definition file

Any name

Log-file trap startup definition file


Event log-trap action definition file


Local action execution definition file


Note: There is no data to be exported for a host for which profile settings files are not collected (in such a case, the directories are not created).

(b) Profile information for remote monitoring

The profile information of JP1/IM - Manager is exported to a file, and cannot be edited.

The file is exported to the first-level directory (host-name) and the second-level directory (al) under the definition_files directory. The log file trap action-definition file is exported to the third-level directory (cf_log_file_trap), and the event log trap action definition file is exported to the third-level directory (cf_event_log_trap). The following table describes the profile information that is exported.

Table 8‒6: Names of the files for exporting profile information for remote monitoring

Profile information

Export file name

Remote-monitoring log file trap action-definition file

Any name

Remote monitoring startup definition file


Remote-monitoring event log trap action-definition file


(4) Remote authentication information

When remote monitoring is used, remote authentication information is exported. The name of the file to be exported is wmi.ini or ssh.ini.

(5) Business group information

When business groups are used, information about the business groups is exported to a file named monitoring_system_data.csv. The following table describes the business group information output to monitoring_system_data.csv.

Table 8‒7: Exported business group information


Output item

Output value

First line (header information)

Product name


File format version

File format version

For example, if the version of JP1/IM - Manager is 09-50, 095000 is output.

Character code

Character code

This depends on the setting of the LANG environment variable on the manager. For details, see Table 2-80 Character encoding of files in Host input information file (host_input_data.csv) in Chapter 2. Definition Files of the manual JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Command and Definition File Reference.

Second line (header information)

Business group name


Assigned JP1 resource group name




Host name


Third and subsequent lines

Business group name

Name of the business group

Assigned JP1 resource group name

Name of the JP1 resource group assigned to the business group



Host name

Name of the host registered in the business group (If there are multiple hosts, hosts are delimited with a comma (,) and the entire string of hosts is enclosed in double quotation marks (""))

Note: Business group information is sorted in ascending order of business group name before being output.

The following shows an example of outputting business group information:



System1,,This is the empty system,

System2,Resource_A,This is System2,"host21,host22,host23,host24"

System3,Resource_A,This is System3,"host31,host32"

(6) Monitoring group information

When business groups are used, the monitoring group information of IM Configuration Management is exported to a file named monitoring_group_data.csv. The following table describes the monitoring group information that is output to monitoring_group_data.csv.

Table 8‒8: Exported monitoring group information


Output item

Output value

First line (header information)

Product name


File format version

File format version

For example, if the version of JP1/IM - Manager is 10-50, 101000 is output.

Character code

Character code

This depends on the setting of the LANG environment variable of the manager. For details, see Table 2-76 Character encoding of files in Host input information file (host_input_data.csv) in Chapter 2. Definition Files of the manual JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Command and Definition File Reference.

Second line (header information)

Monitoring group path




Host name


Third and subsequent lines

Monitoring group path

Monitoring group path



Host name

Name of the host registered in the monitoring group (If there are multiple hosts, hosts are delimited with a comma (,) and the entire string of hosts is enclosed in double quotation marks (""))

Note: Monitoring group information is sorted in ascending order of monitoring group path and before being output.

The following shows an example of outputting monitoring group information:



/System1/Group1,This is the empty group,

/System1/Group2,This is Group2,host2

/System2/Group1,This is Group1,"host11,host12,host13,host14"