
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Administration Guide

7.1.1 Executing a command by using Command Execution

The following operations require JP1_Console_Admin permission or JP1_Console_Operator permission.

To execute a command that inherits event information, select the JP1 event, and then execute the command.

The following describes the method of operation.

  1. In the Event Console window, choose Options and then Execute Command, or from the toolbar, click the [Figure] icon.

    The Execute Command window opens.

  2. Select Command type.

    If you are executing a command on a managed host (agent host or manager host), select the Command of managed host radio button.

    If you are executing a client application, select the Client application radio button.

  3. If necessary, select Event Information to inherit.

    If you want to inherit event information, select the Inherit event information check box.

  4. For Target host, specify the host on which the command is to be executed.

    For the target host, specify the host name that is specified as the managed host in the system configuration definition.

    You can also select from the list box a host name that was specified in the past. A maximum of five host names specified in the past are saved in the list box.

    If you selected the Inherit event information check box in step 3, event information is inherited and automatically entered.

    You can also specify a host group name for the command target host. When you specify a host group name, the command will be executed on all hosts that comprise the host group. Host group names that can be specified are those that are defined by the login manager.

    For details about the procedure for defining host groups, see 1.15 Setting up a command execution environment (for Windows) or 2.14 Setting up a command execution environment (for UNIX) in the JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Configuration Guide.

    When you set a business group or monitoring group, you can specify a business group or a monitoring group for the target host name. The specification method follows.

    Example: When business group management system is specified for the target host name

    /Management system

    For details about the specification method, see 3.1.4(3) How to specify business groups in the JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

  5. In Command, specify the command to be executed. Also specify an Environment variable file as needed.

    Enter the command line to be executed in Command.

    You can also select from the list box a command that was specified in the past. To erase the history of commands specified in the past, click the Clear History button.

    For Environment variable file, specify the absolute path to the environment variable file located at the command target host.

    The following commands can be executed:

    When the command target host is running under Windows

    • Executable files (.com and .exe)

    • Batch files (.bat)

    • JP1/Script script files (.spt) (Association must be set up to allow .spt files to be executed.)

    • Data files (.vbs) that have a file type (extension) associated with applications that can execute automatic actions

    When the command target host is running under UNIX

    • UNIX commands

    • Shell scripts

    The following types of commands cannot be executed:

    • Commands that require interactive operations

    • Commands that open a window

    • Commands that come with an escape sequence or control code

    • Commands that do not end, such as a daemon

    • Commands that must interact with the desktop, such as Windows Messenger and DDE (in Windows)

    • Commands that shut down the OS, such as shutdown and halt

  6. Click the Execute button.

    When the Inherit event information check box in Event information to inherit is not selected

    The command whose command type was selected in Command type is executed on the host specified in Target host. After the command is executed, Time, Host, and Message appear in Log. There is no need to perform the following steps.

    When the Inherit event information check box in Event information to inherit is selected

    The Preview Command Execution Content window opens. Go to the next step.

  7. Check the information in the Preview Command Execution Content window.

    Check the information for Target host, Command, and Environment variable file after the variables are replaced.

    An item for which [Figure] is displayed has a setting error. Review the settings.

    For details about the Preview Command Execution Content window, see 2.41 Preview Command Execution Content window in the manual JP1/Integrated Management - Manager GUI Reference.

  8. Click the Execute button.

    If there is no problem with the information in the Preview Command Execution Content window, the command is executed, and the Preview Command Execution Content window closes. After the command is executed, Time, Host, and Message appear in Log in the Execute Command window.