
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Administration Guide

5.10.8 Consolidated display when events with the same attributes occur consecutively

When you consolidate the display of repeated events, JP1 events that have the same content and that occur consecutively over a short period of time can be displayed as a single event on the Monitor Events page or Severe Events page of the Event Console window. You can configure the consolidated display of repeated events function in the Preferences window.

You cannot use the consolidated display of repeated events function concurrently with the event monitoring suppression function.

You can view detailed information about repeated events and consolidated events. You can also change response statuses similarly to the case in which repeated events are not being monitored. To change a response status, you need JP1_Console_Admin permissions or JP1_Console_Operator permissions.

For a general description of the consolidated display of repeated events function, see 3.4.10 Suppressing repeated-event display by the consolidated display of repeated events in the JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

If you want to consolidate JP1 events that do not occur consecutively, or if you want to specify event conditions or certain criteria under which consolidation starts, use repeated event monitoring suppression instead of the consolidated display of repeated events. For details about repeated event monitoring suppression, see 5.10.4 Handling the occurrence of a large number of events by consolidating them on the manager.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Setting up the consolidated display of repeated events function

  1. From the menu in the Event Console window, choose Options and then Preferences.

    The Preferences window opens.

  2. In the Event Attribute area, click the Enable check box beside Display most significant status.

    The Timeout time field becomes available.

  3. Specify the timeout time.

    Specify the timeout period for consolidating repeated events.

    Event consolidation ends when more than time the specified timeout period has elapsed between the consolidation start event and the arrival of received events.

  4. Click OK.

    The settings take effect.

    Events that have been consolidated into a single event appear as a consolidated event on the Monitor Events page and Severe Events page of the Event Console window.

    Supplementary note:

    The consolidated display of repeated events applies to events received after you have configured the feature. Events received before this time are not subject to consolidated display. Event consolidation ends when more than a specified length of time has elapsed between the consolidation start event and the arrival of received events. A maximum of 100 events can be consolidated into a single event.