
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Administration Guide

3.1.2 In UNIX

In UNIX, an OS function starts JP1/IM - Manager (if the automatic startup script is set).

If the IM database is used, the automatic startup script is executed during system startup and starts JP1/Base, JP1/IM - Manager, and IM database in that order. Note that the pdprcd process is started during system startup whether or not the automatic startup script is enabled.

If the IM database is not used, the automatic startup script is executed during system startup and starts JP1/Base, followed by JP1/IM - Manager.

For details about how to set the automatic startup script, see 2.17.2 Setting automatic startup and automatic stop (for UNIX) in the JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Configuration Guide. For details about the automatic startup script, see jco_start (UNIX only) (in Chapter 1. Commands) in the manual JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Command and Definition File Reference.

To start JP1/IM - Manager without setting up the automatic startup script, execute the /etc/opt/jp1cons/jco_start.model script or a file into which this script has been copied.

Before starting JP1/IM - Manager, start all JP1/Base services required for monitoring. To use the IM database, you must also start the IM database when you start JP1/IM - Manager. Before you restart JP1/Base services, JP1/IM - Manager must be stopped. If JP1/IM - Manager is not stopped, a problem might occur (for example, events cannot be displayed).

For details about starting JP1/Base services, see the chapter about starting and stopping JP1/Base in the JP1/Base User's Guide.


If you are using the integrated monitoring database, set it up; if you are using IM Configuration Management, set up the IM Configuration Management database. If you are using Central Scope, set up the monitoring object database, and then start JP1/IM - Manager.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Notes for cases where the automatic startup and automatic stop of JP1/IM - Manager are enabled in Linux

To start JP1/IM - Manager manually after enabling the automatic startup and automatic stop, execute the commands listed below.

To check the status (started or stopped) of JP1/IM - Manager processes, you can use the jco_spmd_status command. When the IM database is used, you can use the jimdbstatus command to check the operating status of the IM database.

Even when the automatic startup and automatic stop are enabled, JP1/IM - Manager does not stop automatically after it is started or stopped by using a command other than the systemctl command, for example, the jco_start or jco_start.cluster command or the jco_stop or jco_stop.cluster command. In such a case, the automatic startup and automatic stop remain enabled although the stop script does not start when the system stops.

To allow JP1/IM - Manager to stop automatically when the system stops, start JP1/IM - Manager again by using the systemctl command. To know whether JP1/IM - Manager stops automatically, execute one of the following commands to check whether active is returned:

Physical hosts:

systemctl is-active jp1_cons.service

Logical hosts:

systemctl is-active jp1_cons_logical-host-name.service