
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Administration Guide

1.2.2 Database backup and recovery

When you perform backup and recovery, all of the following items need to match on the backup source and the recovery destination:

It is assumed that the OS and hardware on the source and the destination are able to perform the same operations.

If the above conditions are not met, you will need to move files.

See 1.5 Migrating the configuration information and databases and perform the operations described there.

You can use OS commands or backup software to make a full backup of the entire system. However, we recommend that you back up or recover data by using the commands provided with individual JP1/IM - Manager functions that do not depend on OS commands or backup software. If you use OS commands or backup software, the following conditions must be met:

Databases cannot be partially backed up and recovered. If a database is partially backed up or recovered, database associations become contradictory. In this case, incorrect data could be referenced.

Back up and recover definition information in addition to the database itself. If you back up only the database, relationships with the definition information might become inconsistent.

Stop JP1/IM - View when you perform backup and recovery.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Command execution log backup and recovery procedures

The following explains the procedures for backing up and recovering the command execution log.

(a) Backup procedure

To back up the command execution log:

  1. Stop JP1/IM - Manager.

  2. Stop JP1/Base.

  3. Back up the target files.

    For details about which files to back up, see 1.2.2(1)(c) Files to back up.

  4. Start JP1/Base.

  5. Start JP1/IM - Manager.

(b) Recovery procedure

To recover the command execution log:

  1. Stop JP1/IM - Manager.

  2. Stop JP1/Base.

  3. Place the backup files in their respective directories.

  4. Start JP1/Base.

  5. Start JP1/IM - Manager.


    When the log is recovered, the history of the automated actions taken and the commands executed from the Command Execution window between the time of backup and the time of recovery cannot be viewed.

(c) Files to back up

The files to back up are listed below.

In Windows:
Table 1‒3: Files to back up (Windows)

Information type

Files to back up

Command execution log file

All files under Base-path\log\COMMAND\

All files under shared-folder\jp1base\log\COMMAND\

Action information file



Action hosts file



Table 1‒4: Files to back up (UNIX)

Information type

Files to back up

Command execution log file

All files under /var/opt/jp1base/log/COMMAND/

All files under shared-directory/jp1base/log/COMMAND/

Action information file



Action hosts file



For details about the command execution log file, see the JP1/Base User's Guide.

(2) Monitored object database backup and recovery procedures

The following explains the procedures for backing up and recovering the monitored object database. The monitored object database is used when the Central Scope functions are used.

(a) Backup procedure

To back up the monitored object database:

  1. Stop JP1/IM - Manager.

  2. Back up the target files.

    The table below shows the files to back up.

    Table 1‒5: Files to back up


    Information type

    Files to back up


    Monitored object database

    All files under Scope-path\database\jcsdb\

    All files under shared-folder\jp1scope\database\jcsdb\


    Monitored object database

    All files under /var/opt/jp1scope/database/jcsdb/

    All files under shared-directory/jp1scope/database/jcsdb/

  3. Start JP1/IM - Manager.

(b) Recovery procedure

To recover the monitored object database:

  1. Stop JP1/IM - Manager.

  2. Place the backup files in directories.

  3. Start JP1/IM - Manager.

(3) Host information database backup and recovery procedures

The following explains the procedures for backing up and recovering the host information database. The host information database is used when the Central Scope functions are used.

(a) Backup procedure

To back up the host information database:

  1. Stop JP1/IM - Manager.

  2. Back up the target files.

    The table below shows the files to back up.

    Table 1‒6: Files to back up


    Information type

    Files to back up


    Host information database

    All files under Scope-path\database\jcshosts\

    All files under shared-folder\jp1scope\database\jcshosts\


    Host information database

    All files under /var/opt/jp1scope/database/jcshosts/

    All files under shared-directory/jp1scope/database/jcshosts/

  3. Start JP1/IM - Manager.

(b) Recovery procedure

To recover the host information database:

  1. Stop JP1/IM - Manager.

  2. Place the backup files in directories.

  3. Start JP1/IM - Manager.

(4) Event database backup and recovery procedures

For details about the procedures for backing up and recovering the event database, see the explanation on backup and recovery in the JP1/Base User's Guide.

When you are recovering the event database of a JP1/IM - Manager host, you must also back up and recover the command execution log at the same time. For details about the procedures for backing up and recovering the command execution log, see 1.2.2(1) Command execution log backup and recovery procedures.


When you are backing up and recovering the event database, you must also back up and recover the command execution log at the same time.

If you back up and recover only the event database, an inconsistency will occur in the association of JP1 event execution results and automated actions inside the event database.

The results of automated actions executed before the event database recovery may be displayed as the execution results of automated actions for JP1 events registered after the event database recovery.

(5) Backup and recovery procedures for the file for accumulated response-waiting events

The following explains the procedures for backing up and recovering the file for accumulated response-waiting events. This file is used by the response-waiting event management function.

(a) Backup procedure

  1. Stop JP1/IM - Manager.

  2. Back up the target files.

    The table below shows the files to back up.

    Table 1‒7: Files to back up


    Files to back up







  3. Start JP1/IM - Manager.

(b) Recovery procedure

  1. Stop JP1/IM - Manager.

  2. Place the backup files in the appropriate directories.

  3. Start JP1/IM - Manager.

(6) IM database backup and recovery procedures

This subsection explains the procedures for backing up and recovering the IM database on a physical host, and in a cluster environment.


When you back up and recover the IM database, you must also back up and recover the event database. For details about the procedure for backing up and recovering the event database, see 1.2.2(4) Event database backup and recovery procedures.


Depending on the method used to recover the event database, you might need to re-create the event database. Depending on the method used to re-create the event database, you might also need to re-create the IM database. In such a case, do not recover the IM database. If the IM database is recovered, information in the IM database might no longer match the information in the event database, resulting in an unexpected change to the JP1 event handling status when the handling status is changed.


Do not recover the backup data that was acquired before jimdbupdate command execution from the pre-update IM database to the IM database after jimdbupdate command execution.

After you have executed the jimdbupdate command, use the jimdbbackup command again to acquire a backup.

(a) Procedures for backing up and recovering the IM database on a physical host

To back up the IM database on a physical host:

  1. In Windows, check whether the IM database service (JP1/IM - Manager DB Server) is running.

  2. Stop the following services:

    • JP1/IM-Manager service

    • In Windows, the cluster service (JP1/IM-Manager DB Cluster Service) of the IM database

    • If JP1/IM - MO is being used, the JP1/IM - Message Optimizer service of JP1/IM - MO on the connection source

  3. Use the jimdbbackup command to make a backup of the target database.

    For details about the jimdbbackup command, see jimdbbackup (in Chapter 1. Commands) in the manual JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Command and Definition File Reference.

  4. Back up the target files.

    For details about which files to back up, see 1.1.1 Backup (in Windows) and 1.1.3 Backup (in UNIX).

  5. Start the services that were stopped in step 2.

To recover the IM database on a physical host:

  1. In Windows, check whether the IM database service (JP1/IM - Manager DB Server) is running.

  2. Stop the following services:

    • JP1/IM-Manager service

    • In Windows, the cluster service (JP1/IM-Manager DB Cluster Service) of the IM database

    • If JP1/IM - MO is being used, the JP1/IM - Message Optimizer service of JP1/IM - MO on the connection source

  3. Using the jimdbrecovery command, recover the target database.

    For details about the jimdbrecovery command, see jimdbrecovery (in Chapter 1. Commands) in the manual JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Command and Definition File Reference.

  4. Place the backed up files in their respective directories.

    With IM configuration management enabled, place the backed up files in their respective directories.

  5. Start the services that were stopped in step 2.

(b) Procedures for backing up and recovering the IM database in a cluster environment

The procedure for backing up the IM database in a cluster environment is described below. In the case of a cluster environment, execute the backup process on the executing host. Furthermore, the shared directory must be accessible.

To back up the IM database in a cluster environment:

  1. Stop the JP1/IM - Manager service and the cluster database service.

    If JP1/IM - MO is being used, also start the JP1/IM - Message Optimizer service of JP1/IM - MO on the connection source.

  2. Using the jimdbbackup command, make a backup of the target database.

    For details about the jimdbbackup command, see jimdbbackup (in Chapter 1. Commands) in the manual JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Command and Definition File Reference.

  3. Back up the target files.

    For details about which files to back up, see 1.1.1 Backup (in Windows) and 1.1.3 Backup (in UNIX).

  4. Start the JP1/IM - Manager service and the cluster database service that was stopped in Step 1.

    If JP1/IM - MO is being used, also start the JP1/IM - Message Optimizer service of JP1/IM - MO on the connection source.

To recover the IM database in a cluster environment. If the system operates in a cluster configuration, perform recovery on the active host. You will also need to be able to access shared directories.

  1. Stop the JP1/IM - Manager service and the cluster database service.

    If JP1/IM - MO is being used, also stop the JP1/IM - Message Optimizer service of JP1/IM - MO on the connection source.

  2. Using the jimdbrecovery command, recover the target database.

    For details about the jimdbrecovery command, see jimdbrecovery (in Chapter 1. Commands) in the manual JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Command and Definition File Reference.

  3. Place the backed up files in their respective directories.

    With IM configuration management enabled, place the backed up files in their respective directories.

  4. Start the JP1/IM - Manager service and the cluster database service that was stopped in Step 1.

    If JP1/IM - MO is being used, also start the JP1/IM - Message Optimizer service of JP1/IM - MO on the connection source.