
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Overview and System Design Guide

B.2 JP1/IM processes (UNIX)

The following shows the process names displayed by the ps command.

Organization of this subsection

(1) JP1/IM - Manager

The table below describes the JP1/IM - Manager processes. The numbers in parentheses are the number of processes that can be executed concurrently.

Table B‒3: JP1/IM - Manager processes (UNIX)

Parent process


Child process




Process management



Automatic action service

(displayed process name: jcamain)



Event console service

(displayed process name: evtcon)



Event base service

(displayed process name: evflow)



Central Scope service#2

(displayed process name: jcsmain)



Event generation service#4

(displayed process name: evgen)


IM Configuration Management service#5

(displayed process name: jcfmain)


IM Configuration Management in JP1/IM - Manager


IM Configuration Management service

jcfallogtrap(0 to 157)#6

Log collection process


IM database


Process server process


Post-processing process. Performs recovery processing when a process terminates abnormally.


Message log server process. Controls message output.


System manager process. Controls unit starting and stopping and manages connected users.


Status server process. Controls I/O operations to unit status files.


Scheduler process. Distributes transactions among single server processes.


Transaction server process. Controls transactions.

pdtrnrvd(1 to 128)#8

Transaction recovery process. Controls transaction determination and recovery.


Log server process. Controls acquisition of system logs and log-related processes.


Deferred write process. Controls background writing to disks where the database is kept.


Parallel write process for the deferred write process


Log swapper process. Allocates and de-allocates system log-related files, manages I/O operations for system log-related files, and acquires syncpoint dumps.

pdsds(10 to 32)#9

Single server process. Performs SQL processing.


--: None

#1: The number of processes might increase temporarily.

#2: The process is started only when Central Scope is used. The process is not started by default.

#3: Maximum 2; normally 1. Breakdown as follows:

  • Main processes of the event generation service

  • Temporary process generated when the event service is connected. The process is generated when the event generation service starts and when an event acquisition filter is updated.

#4: Functionality for correlation event generation (inactive by default). The event generation service is used in systems that do not use the integrated monitoring database.

#5: The process is started when IM Configuration Management is used. The process is not started by default.

#6: When the parent process starts, no child process is started. The number of child processes increases with the number of remotely monitored files. The maximum number of concurrent child processes is 157.

#7: If the IM database is set up, the pdprcd process starts at system startup, regardless of whether the automated startup script is enabled.

#8: Only one process runs when the system starts, but this number increases temporarily with each abnormal termination of the pdsds process.

#9: 10 instances of this process run at startup, and this number increases with the number of access requests to the IM database. The maximum number of concurrent processes is 32.

When JP1/IM - Manager is used in a cluster system, the above processes are executed on each physical host and logical host. The number of processes that can be executed concurrently is the number of processes in the table multiplied by the number of physical and logical hosts on which the processes are running. Processes running in a cluster system are displayed by the ps command shown below. Note that IM database processes (the pdprcd process and its child processes) are not displayed for logical-host-name.

jco_spmd -h logical-host-name

evflow logical-host-name

jcamain logical-host-name

evtcon logical-host-name startup-option

evtcon logical-host-name

evgen logical-host-name

jcfmain logical-host-name

jcsmain logical-host-name

Processes in the above table whose parent process is jco_spmd are controlled by the process management. You can check their status using the jco_spmd_status command.

An example of the display when the processes are running normally is shown below.

# jco_spmd_status

KAVB3690-I Processing to report the status of JP1_CONS has started.

Display the running processes

Process name Process ID

evflow 3672

jcamain 4088

evtcon 4236

jcsmain 4846

evgen 5624

KAVB3691-I All the processes have started.

jcsmain is listed only when the Central Scope functionality is enabled, evgen is listed only when correlation event generation is enabled, and jcfmain is listed only when the IM Configuration Management functionality is enabled.