
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Overview and System Design Guide

12.3.1 Basic configuration

An example of a basic JP1/IM configuration is shown below.

Figure 12‒2: Example of a basic configuration


This example shows a system configuration that manages job execution in a two-tier structure.

The following products are required on each host:

Integrated manager (top-level manager)
  • JP1/IM - Manager

    Runs the Central Console, Central Scope, and IM Configuration Management. The Central Scope is required to monitor the system by associating jobs and JP1 events. It is not required to monitor job execution simply by monitoring JP1 events. The IM Configuration Management feature is available when the IM Configuration Management database is activated.

  • JP1/Base

Base manager
  • JP1/IM - Manager

  • JP1/Base

Base manager
  • JP1/IM - Manager

  • JP1/Base

Agents (job execution hosts)
  • JP1/Base

    JP1/Base is required on every agent. JP1/Base performs processing such as sending and receiving JP1 events and executing commands.

  • Job execution programs (user application programs, JP1 products, and so on)

Viewers (for monitoring the system)
  • JP1/IM - View

In the system shown in this example, JP1 events related to the status of jobs executing on the agents are forwarded to the base manager by JP1/Base. Then, if necessary, each JP1 event is forwarded from the base manager to the integrated manager.

The administrator can manage the whole system by logging into the integrated manager from JP1/IM - View on a viewer.

JP1/IM supports multi-level system configurations. JP1/IM - Manager is required on the top-level manager and on each intermediate-level manager. The Central Scope can also be used on the intermediate-level managers.