
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/IT Desktop Management 2 Messages


The automatic registration of hhhhhhhh (iii.iii.iii.iii, dddddddd) to the managing server failed. Old managing server: vvvvvvvv -> New managing server: xxxxxxxx, {Win32|Socket|Runtime|Protocol} error, Code=mm[: nnnnnn][, zzzzzzzz]


Automatic registration of the local host to the system configuration information managed by the managing server failed.

hhhhhhhh: Local host name

iii.iii.iii.iii: IP address of the local host

dddddddd: Host identifier of the local host

vvvvvvvv: Host name or IP address of the (old) managing server on which the local host is currently registered#. If the local host has never been registered, an asterisk (*) is output here.

xxxxxxxx: Host name or IP address of the (new) managing server on which registration of the local host failed#

{Win32|Socket|Runtime|Protocol}: Type of error

Win32: Win32 API error

Socket: Socket error

Runtime: C runtime error

Protocol: Protocol error

mm: Error code

nnnnnn: Explanation of the error code indicated by mm

zzzzzzzz: Maintenance information


This message is also output when the IP address or host name of the local host is changed, even if the managing server is not changed. In this case, the same value is output as the old and new managing server names.


Automatic registration is retried at the next polling. If polling is triggered by system startup, restart the OS.

If a retry of automatic registration fails, check the explanation of the error code.