
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/IT Desktop Management 2 Messages


The job is completed. Job type=jjjjjjjj, Job Number=xxxxxxxx, Instruction number=yyyyyyyy[, Package, Package name=nnnnnnnn, ffffffff, Installation path=zzzzzzzz]


A job was executed successfully.

jjjjjjjj: Job type

Install package: Install package job

Collect files from client: Collect files from client job

Send package, allow client to choose: Send package, allow client to choose job

xxxxxxxx: Job number

yyyyyyyy: Instruction number

The following information output for an Install-by-package job or Install-by-client-user job only: Package information

- cc: Cabinet ID

- pppppp: Package ID

- vvvv: Version number and the revision number

- ssss: Generation number

nnnnnnnn: Package name

ffffffff: Package maintenance information

zzzzzzzz: Installation destination path name (Note: If a Hitachi program product is installed at the default installation destination, the correct value is not displayed.)