
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/IT Desktop Management 2 Messages


A job was received. Job type=yyyyyyyy, Job number=jjjjjjjj, Instruction number=cccccccc, Installation timing=zzzzzzzz (0xaa+0xbb), Replace existing package={YES|NO}, Installation date/time=tttttttttttt {, Installation mode={BG|GUI}, Package, Package name=nnnnnnnn, ffffffff}


This message is output when a job was received. This message is also output when the managing server deletes a job that is running on the Agent and the Agent receives a job deletion request.

yyyyyyyy: Job type

Install package: Install package job

Collect files from client: Collect files from client job

Send package, allow client to choose: Send package, allow client to choose job

Delete job: Job deletion request (A job deletion request sent to the client when the managing server deletes a job. This job deletion request is not a job.)

jjjjjjjj: Job number

cccccccc: Instruction number

zzzzzzzz: When the package is installed

Normal installation: The package is installed immediately.

Install when the system starts: The package is installed when the system starts.

Install when system stops: The package is installed when the system stops.

0xaa+0xbb: Maintenance information about the execution timing

Replace existing package={YES|NO}: Whether to replace the same already existing package

YES: Replaces the same package.

NO: Does not replace the same package.

tttttttttttt: Installation date and time (YYYYMMDDhhmm)

The following information is output for an Install-by-package job or Install-by-client-user job only:

{BG|GUI}: Installation mode

BG: Background installation mode

GUI: GUI installation mode Package information

- cc: Cabinet ID

- pppppp: Package ID

- vvvv: Version number and the revision number

- ssss: Generation number

nnnnnnnn: Package name

ffffffff: Package maintenance information