
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/IT Desktop Management 2 Messages


Polling to xxxxxxxx (yyyyyyyy) from hhhhhhhh (iii.iii.iii.iii, dddddddd) is completed. ID key for operations=0xnn


Polling was completed.

xxxxxxxx: Host name or IP address of the polling-destination device

yyyyyyyy: Product type of the polling-destination device

netmdm: Manager

netmdmw: Relay system

hhhhhhhh: Local host name

iii.iii.iii.iii: IP address of the local host

dddddddd: Host ID of the local host

0xnn: Operation key for the higher-level system

0x03: Host name

0x04: IP address

0xff: The operation key information is invalid.