
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/IT Desktop Management 2 Messages


Command execution failed. The specified file cannot be imported. (command name = command-name, subcommand name = subcommand-name, import file = import-file-name, line number at which import check error occurred = line-number-at-which-imported-CSV-file-error-occurred, item at which import check error occurred = name-of-the-item-for-which-imported-CSV-file-error-occurred)

[Cause] Possible causes (of hierarchical levels exceeding the upper limit) include the following:

(1) In the hierarchical data in the import file specified for the command, the specified data exceeds 40 levels.

(2) The character encoding of the import file does not match the character encoding specified by the -encoding option.

[Action] Cancels command execution.

[Workaround] Verify that the specified import file is correct, and then retry command execution.