
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Asset Console Planning and Configuration Guide

C.2 Disk space requirements

The amount of disk space required to run the asset management system is derived from the total disk space required for the asset management database and for the asset management server.

This appendix provides formulas for estimating the required disk space.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Disk space required for the asset management database

Size of database

= ([Figure] (size of information to be used x number of registered items) + (amount of data for license total) + (amount of Item data) + (amount of definition data)) x 1.4 x 1.5


The disk area (containing both management area and operation area) required for database operation is automatically allocated. The size that is automatically allocated depends on the size of the asset management database as shown below.

Table C‒1: Disk area required for asset management database operation

Database size

Management area

Operation area

100 (MB)

+ 637 (MB)

+ 81 (MB)

101 to 500 (MB)

+ 1,757 (MB)

+ 404 (MB)

501 more (MB)

+ 7,147 (MB)

+ 404 (MB)

Size of information to be used

The following table provides guidelines for size of information to be used.

Table C‒2: Size of each information item

Information to be used

Size per item (kilobytes)

Hardware information#1


Software information#2


Device catalog


Maintenance contract information


Lease contract information


Rental contract information


Company catalog


Software list


Installed software list


Patch list


IP group information


IP address control information#3


Location information


user information


Group information


Role information


Official authority


Device change log


Software update log


Volume contract information


Maintenance log



This estimate assumes that the following information is included:

  • One asset information item (2.7 kilobytes per item)

  • One hardware information item (1.4 kilobytes per item)

  • Three network information items (0.6 kilobytes per item)

  • 20 transfer log entries (1.2 kilobytes per item)

  • 60 installed software information items (0.3 kilobytes per item)

  • 10 patch information items (0.1 kilobytes per item)

  • One virus definition information item (0.5 kilobytes per item)

  • One ITDM2 management information item (2.0 kilobytes per item)


This estimate assumes that the following information is included:

  • One asset information item (2.7 kilobytes per item)

  • One software information item (0.1 kilobytes per item)

  • 50 software key information items (0.5 kilobytes per item)

  • One license information item (0.4 kilobytes per item)


As many IP address control information items as the total number of IP addresses available within the address range registered for the IP group information are required.


The size of each information item to be used is based on the following conditions:

  • Data is set only for items (including user properties) that can be set by GUI operations or when ITDM2 management information is imported. The average size of the values to be set is assumed to be 30 bytes. If the data size is less than 30 bytes, the size of the managed area is assumed.

  • For items that cannot be set by GUI operations or when ITDM2 management information is imported, only the size of the managed area is assumed.

  • The asset information and maintenance contract information associate one or more device information items.

Amount of data for license total

= ([Figure] + [Figure]) x number of times licenses totaled (kilobytes)

[Figure] = average number of software assets owned by one group x number of groups x 0.5

[Figure] = average number of software assets that have been installed on a device x number of devices x 0.5

This formula assumes that one software product requires 0.5 kilobytes of space.

Amount of Item data

= (size of defined Item x number of defined Items registered) + (amount of data required for Item management x number of Items requested)

Size of defined Item: 150.0 kilobytes

Amount of data required for Item management: 4.0 kilobytes

The size of a defined Item shown here is an average over the provided four Item templates. The actual size of a defined Item depends on the numbers of activities and Items that are to be defined.

Amount of definition data

= 30.0 megabytes

The index area requires about 40% of the table size. For details about how to determine the size of the index area, see the DBMS documentation.

To achieve efficient access to the asset management database, a free space of about 50% of the table size is required.

(2) Disk space required for the asset management server

Size required for server

= size of data obtained as search results x average number of searches per login x average number of concurrent logins

To upload a file as an attached file using a window operation, treat the size of the attached file as part of the disk capacity.

(3) Asset Console installation size

The Asset Console installation size is 180 megabytes.