
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Asset Console Planning and Configuration Guide


This manual explains the issues you need to consider before you set up Job Management Partner 1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Asset Console (abbreviated to Asset Console hereafter), and describes how to install and set up Asset Console.

In this manual, Job Management Partner 1 is abbreviated to JP1.

Organization of this preface

■ Intended readers

This manual is intended for system administrators who build asset information systems that use Asset Console.

■ Organization of this manual

This manual is organized into the following chapters and appendixes:

PART 1: Design
1. Design Overview

Chapter 1 explains the design flow and the items that must be considered in the design process. It provides an overview of the work necessary for designing an asset management system that uses Asset Console.

2. Jobs To Be Executed in an Asset Management System

Chapter 2 explains the method of selecting the jobs to be executed, when designing an asset management system.

3. Operating Method

Chapter 3 explains how to choose the operating method when designing an asset management system.

4. Evaluating System Configuration

Chapter 4 describes the organization of the programs for an asset management system and describes an example system configuration.

PART 2: Setup
5. Installation and Setup

Chapter 5 explains how to install and uninstall Asset Console. It also describes how to set up the environment for using Asset Console.

6. Achieving Asset Management by Linking to Other Product

Chapter 6 describes how to link Asset Console to other products such as JP1/IM.

7. Registration and Output of CSV Data

Chapter 7 explains how to register CSV data into the asset management database and how to output asset information from the asset management database.

PART 3: System Definition
8. Basic Knowledge Needed to Use Asset Console

Chapter 8 describes the mechanism of an asset management database and asset statuses that constitute the basic knowledge needed in order to use Asset Console.

9. Changing the Window Operations and User Roles

Chapter 9 explains how to change window operations and user roles.

10. Item Definition

Chapter 10 describes how to define Items in order to use Items in executing asset management jobs.

PART 4: Troubleshooting
11. Troubleshooting

Chapter 11 describes the procedures for handling errors in an asset management system.

12. Maintaining the Asset Management Database

Chapter 12 describes how to maintain the asset management database.

PART 5: Reference
13. Details of Information That Can Be Acquired from Linked Products and Details of JP1 Events That Are Issued

Chapter 13 provides details of information that can be imported from other systems to the asset management database for use by applications. This chapter also provides in tabular format the details of JP1 events that are issued by Asset Console.

14. Management Information Details

Chapter 14 provides in tabular format the details of the properties of each class that is managed by Asset Console's asset management database. Additionally, this chapter explains the items that are imported or exported using the Import or Export job menu.

A. Organization of Folders

Appendix A describes in tabular format the organization of folders after Asset Console has been installed.

B. List of Processes

Appendix B provides a list of the Asset Console processes.

C. System Requirements and Estimates

Appendix C describes the memory, disk space, and CPU performance requirements for Asset Console.

D. Section and Key Names for Environment Setup Information

Appendix D provides a table that lists section and key names that are needed to add processing via an access definition file, along with the corresponding environment settings.

E. Replacing an Asset Management Server and Changing Its Settings

Appendix E explains how to replace an asset management server.

F. Notes on Using Asset Console in a 64-bit OS

Appendix F provides notes on using Asset Console in a 64-bit OS.

G. Audit Log Output

Appendix G provides information about audit log output.

H. Reference Material for This Manual

Appendix H provides reference material.

I. Glossary

Appendix I defines terms used in this manual.