
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/IT Desktop Management 2 Administration Guide

18.4 Actions to be taken when notification of device information that was collected with the Information Collection Tool fails

If notification of device information fails, use the information in the notification-failure list (result_failed.txt) to collect the device information again, and then perform the notification again.

The notification-failure list (result_failed.txt) is generated when notification to one or more computers fails. The host name of each computer to which notification of device information failed is output to this list.

File location

The notification-failure list is created in the Data folder that was specified in the Specify storage location dialog box. This dialog box appears when you perform notification of device information.

Output format

YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss host-name

In this string, YYYY represents the year, MM represents the month, DD represents the day, hh represents the hour, mm represents the minute, and ss represents the second.

Example output

2012/10/11 14:15:16 Host1

2012/10/11 14:15:18 Host2

2012/10/11 14:15:19 Host3