
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/IT Desktop Management 2 Administration Guide

11.2.13  Transferring software licenses

You can transfer software licenses that have already been allocated to a device to another device.The types of devices between which you can transfer software licenses are PCs, servers, printers, network devices, and unknown devices.

When a device is replaced, you can transfer the software licenses that were allocated to the old device to a new device. You can also batch-transfer all software licenses that are allocated to multiple devices, so the transfer operation is simple.

Important note

If the same type of the software license is already allocated to the destination device, the software license cannot be transferred. In this case, remove the allocation of the software license from the destination device first.

To transfer software licenses:

  1. Display the Device module.

  2. In the Device module, select the source device from which you want the software licenses to be transferred.

  3. From Action, select Move Software Licenses.

  4. In the displayed dialog box, select the destination device, and then click OK.

The software licenses are transferred to the selected device. The allocation of the software licenses is removed from the source device.