
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/IT Desktop Management 2 Administration Guide

3.1 Logging in

Perform user authentication in the Login window. If successfully authenticated, you can then log in to JP1/IT Desktop Management 2.

You need to register a license for JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 when logging in for the first time. To register the license, click the License button.

To log in:

  1. Enter the following URL into the address bar of your Web browser:


    #: This is the port number that was specified in the Port Number Settings view during setup. The default value of 31080 is specified for a simple installation.

  2. Enter the user ID and password.

  3. Click the Log In button.

The Home module is displayed if the user account is successfully authenticated.

The default user ID is system. The default password is manager. When you use the default user ID and password to log in, the Change Password dialog box is displayed. Change the password in the dialog box. Note that the Change Password dialog box is also displayed if you use a newly created user account to log in for the first time.


Passwords are valid for the number of days specified as the password expiration period in the Other Settings view during setup. Beginning seven days prior to expiration, you will be prompted to change the password when logging in. If you are prompted to do so, change the password. If the password expiration period has passed, the Change Password dialog box is displayed when you log in.

Important note

If the number of consecutive login failures before the account is locked has been specified in the Other Settings view during setup, a user account is locked if login fails consecutively the specified number of times. You must unlock the user account before you can use it to log in.

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