
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/IT Desktop Management 2 Administration Guide

1.5.1 General procedure for remote controlling computers to respond to inquiries

If you (administrator) receive an inquiry from a user about a problem, such as a failure on the user's computer, you can remote controls the user's computer from your computer to investigate the cause and resolve the problem.

To remote control a computer and take care of an inquiry:

1. Identify the computer to which to connect to.

When you receive a request from a user to fix a problem, ask the user to provide information necessary to identify the computer, including the user's name and asset management number. Using the provided information, identify the computer to be remote controlled.

2. Connect to the computer.

Notify the user that you are connecting to the user's computer, and then establish a connection to the computer. When the user permits connection from your computer, you can remote control the user's computer from your computer.

3. Investigate and resolve the problem in the user's computer.

Remotely operate on the user's computer to investigate a log on the user's computer, and then identify and resolve the problem. When the problem is resolved, end the remote control session.

An inquiry from a user is taken care of.

Organization of this subsection

(1) General procedure for identifying a computer to be remote controlled

When connecting to a computer, you need to obtain user information to identify the target computer. By using the obtained user information, identify the computer to which to connect.

1. Obtain user information.

Obtain user information to identify the computer to which to connect. For example, you can obtain this information from a user when the user contacts you asking for your assistance in solving a problem. Obtain the following information from the user:

  • Asset management number

  • User name

  • Department

  • Location of the computer

  • Phone number

2. Identify the computer.

Based on the obtained user information, identify the target computer by using the Device Inventory view of the Device module. Use the filtering function to facilitate this processing.

Preparations for connection to a computer are complete.

(2) General procedure for connecting to a computer to be remote controlled

Connect to a computer. To establish a connection to a computer:

1. Inform the user that you are going to connect to the user's computer.

Before establishing a connection to a computer, make a phone call to the user to inform the user of the following two points:

  • You are going to connect to the user's computer.

  • The user is expected to allow connection to the user's computer when a confirmation dialog box appears.

2. Connect to the computer.

In the Device Inventory view of the Device module, select the computer, and then connect to it. If the authentication view appears, you need to enter your user ID and password.

Depending on the agent configuration on the user's computer, a confirmation dialog box might appear on the user's computer to ask the user if the user allows connection to the user's computer. In order for you to start remote control, the user must allow you to connect to the user's computer. This dialog box serves as a reminder to the user that remote control is being started.


To connect to a user's computer, you need to have a controller installed on your computer. If no controller is installed on your computer, you can install a controller while establishing a connection to a user's computer from an operation view. If the controller is already installed, you can also establish a connection to a user's computer by directly starting the controller from the Start menu.


You can also connect to an agentless computer running the operating system, such as Linux or Mac OS.

Connect to the user's computer, and then start remote control.

Set a connection mode in advance when remote controlling a computer. For example, if you want to fix a problem in a user's computer, connect to the user's computer in Exclusive mode to prevent the user from performing any operations on the user's computer. On the other hand, if you want to monitor the operations performed by a user while providing instructions to the user, connect to the user's computer in View mode to allow the user to perform operations on the user's computer. Select a connection mode that is appropriate to your purpose.


You can start multiple controllers. This means that you can set up multiple computer screens side by side to make comparisons or to monitor them all at once.


If you are connecting to a computer with a slow communication speed, you can speed up remote control sessions by decreasing data traffic. You can specify a setting to speed up remote control sessions in the Options dialog box of a controller.


In an environment where your computer cannot access a user's computer (for example, in a NAT environment), you can have the user's computer make a request for establishing a connection to your computer.


If a connection destination computer supports AMT or Wake on LAN, even when the computer is turned off, the computer can be automatically turned on so that remote control can be started.

Related Topics:

(3) Investigating a problem in a computer by remote control

You can investigate and resolve a problem in a user's computer by remote control. While remote controlling a computer, you can perform the following operations:

When you have finished investigating and resolving the problem, end the remote control session and notify the result to the user.

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