
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/IT Desktop Management 2 Administration Guide

1.1.3 Automatically installing agents on computers

You can automatically deploy agents to the individual computers from the management server. You can use one of the following two approaches to deploy agents to computers:

Automatically deploy agents to every computer discovered during the search.

You can automatically deploy agents to computers discovered during the search if these computers run the Windows OS. With this approach, you can have an agent deployed to every computer discovered during the search. Therefore, select this approach when you want to automatically deploy agents to all the computers in your organization.

Deploy agents to selected groups of computers on which agents have not yet been installed.

With this approach, you can deploy agents to selected groups of computers to be managed and computers discovered during the search. This approach gives you the option to select the computers to which you want to deploy agents. Therefore, select this approach when you do not want to install agents on some of the computers in your organization.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Automatically deploying an agent to every computer discovered during the search (Active Directory search)

This is one way of automatically deploying agents to computers discovered during the search. You can use this approach to deploy an agent to every computer discovered during the Active Directory search.


During agent deployment, approximately 80 MB of data (installation set) is sent to each computer. The size of an installation set varies according to the settings.

To automatically deploy an agent to every computer discovered during the search (Active Directory search):

  1. In the Settings module, select Discovery, Configurations, and then Active Directory to display the Active Directory view.

  2. Under Discovery Option:, click the Edit button.

  3. In the displayed dialog box, select the Auto-Install Agent check box.

  4. Click the OK button to close the dialog box.

  5. Click the Start Discovery button.

The search begins and an agent is deployed to every discovered computer. To view the agent deployment status, in the Settings module, select Agent and then Agent Deployment to display the Agent Deployment view.

(2) Automatically deploying an agent to every computer discovered during the search (network search)

This is one way of automatically deploying agents to computers discovered during the search. You can use this approach to deploy an agent to every computer discovered during the network search.


During agent deployment, approximately 80 MB of data (installation set) is sent to each computer. The size of an installation set varies according to the settings.

To automatically deploy an agent to every computer discovered during the search (network search):

  1. In the Settings module, select Discovery, Configurations, and then IP Address Range to display the IP Address Range view.

  2. Under Discovery Option:, click the Edit button.

  3. In the displayed dialog box, select the Auto-Install Agent check box.

  4. Click the OK button to close the dialog box.

  5. Click the Start Discovery button.

  6. In the displayed dialog box, click the OK button.

The search begins and an agent is deployed to every discovered computer. To view the agent deployment status, in the Settings module, select Agent and then Agent Deployment to display the Agent Deployment view.

(3) Automatically deploying an agent to every computer discovered during the search (monitoring device's network connection)

This is one way of automatically deploying agents to computers discovered during the search. You can use this approach to deploy an agent to every computer discovered during the search performed by the network monitoring function.


During agent deployment, approximately 80 MB of data (installation set) is sent to each computer.

To automatically deploy an agent to every computer discovered during the search (monitoring device's network connection)

If network access from a newly connected device is detected during network access monitoring, the network is automatically searched for the detected device. To have an agent automatically deployed to the device discovered during the search, you need to specify the following two settings:

To permit network access from newly connected devices:
  1. In the Settings module, select Network Access Control, and then Assign Network Access Control Settings to display the Assign Network Access Control Settings view.

  2. Select the path to the network segment to which you want to automatically deploy agents.

  3. Click the Change Assigned Settings button.

  4. In the displayed dialog box, select the network monitor setting for which Allow Network Access is set for Discovered Nodes Option:.

    Note that Allow Network Access is set for (Standard) that is provided by default.

  5. Click the OK button.

When a newly connected device accessing the target network segment is detected, the device is automatically granted access to the network. The network is then searched for the detected device.

To enable the setting that automatically deploys an agent to every computer discovered during the network search:
  1. In the Settings module, select Discovery, Configurations, and then IP Address Range to display the IP Address Range view.

  2. Under Discovery Option:, click the Edit button.

  3. In the displayed dialog box, select the Auto-Install Agent check box.

  4. Click the OK button.

The network is searched for the detected device. If the device is discovered, an agent is automatically deployed to the device.

(4) Checking the device discovery status

In JP1/IT Desktop Management 2, after discovering devices in an organization, you can check the discovery history or the status of the discovered devices in the Discovery view of the Settings module. In this way, you can determine the current status of an organization's devices.

There are the following two types of device discovery history. Check the discovery history appropriate for the discovery method you used.

There are the following three device management statuses. If necessary, either include or exclude a discovered device as a managed device.


A discovered device is managed and displayed in the Discovered Nodes view that opens when you select Discovery in the Settings module. You can manage discovered devices or exclude them from the management target.


Specify this management status for the devices you want to manage in JP1/IT Desktop Management 2. The devices are displayed in the Managed Nodes view that opens when you select Discovery in the Settings module. You can also exclude these devices from management. Note that specifying this status for a device you want to manage consumes a product license.


Specify this management status for devices that do not need to be managed in JP1/IT Desktop Management 2. These devices are displayed in the Ignored Nodes view that opens when you select Discovery in the Settings module. You can also change the status to Managed or delete these devices. When Ignored has been set for a device, the device is not displayed in the Discovered Nodes view even if you run a discovery again.

Related Topics:

(5) Checking the latest discovery status

You can check the latest discovery execution status and results in a list.

To check the latest discovery status:

  1. Display the Settings module.

  2. In the menu area, select Discovery and then Last Discovery Log.

  3. In the information area, select Active Directory or IP Address Range.

The Active Directory view or the IP Address Range view appears. The discovery log is updated according to the progress of search.


You can also stop or start a search from the Active Directory view or the IP Address Range view. If a discovery error occurs frequently, we recommend that you stop the search and correct the search condition settings. After correcting the settings, perform a search again.

(6) Checking the discovered devices

You can check the devices discovered during the Active Directory or network search in a list. In addition, you can change the status of the discovered devices to Managed (management targets) or Ignored (exclusion targets), or remove them from the list.

To check the discovered devices:

  1. Display the Settings module.

  2. In the menu area, select Discovery and then Discovered Nodes.

The Discovered Nodes view appears. In this view, you can check the number of discovered devices, number of devices that can be managed, and the number of managed devices.

To change the status of a device to Managed, select a device in the information area, and then click the Manage button. To change the status of the device to Ignored, click the Ignore button. To remove the device from the list, from Action, select Remove. You can also select multiple devices at a time and change their status to Managed or Ignored, or remove them from the list.

Note that devices with the Ignored status are not displayed in the Discovered Nodes view. If you want to manage these devices again, access the Ignored Nodes view, and then change their status to Managed. If you want to manage the devices that you have previously removed, perform a search again.

Related Topics:

(7) Checking the managed devices

You can check the devices managed by JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 in a list. In addition, you can change the status of the managed devices to Ignored (exclusion targets), or remove them from the list.

To check the managed devices:

  1. Display the Settings module.

  2. In the menu area, select Discovery and then Managed Nodes.

The Managed Nodes view appears. In this view, you can check the number of managed devices and the remaining number of devices that can be managed.

To change the status of a device to Ignored, select a device in the information area, and then click the Ignore button. To remove the device from the list, from Action, select Remove. You can also select multiple devices at a time and change their status to Ignored or remove them from the list.

Note that devices with the Ignored status are not displayed in the Managed Nodes view. If you want to manage these devices again, access the Ignored Nodes view, and then change their status to Managed.


If you remove a device from the list and then perform a search again, the removed device is displayed in the Discovered Nodes view. To display the Discovered Nodes view, in the Settings module, select Discovery and then Discovered Nodes.

Related Topics:

(8) Checking the excluded devices

You can check the devices that are excluded from being managed by JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 in a list. In addition, you can change the status of the excluded devices to Managed (management targets).

To check the excluded devices:

  1. Display the Settings module.

  2. In the menu area, select Discovery and then Ignored Nodes.

The Ignored Nodes view appears. In this view, you can check the number of excluded devices and the remaining number of devices that can be managed.

To change the status of a device to Managed, select a device in the information area, and then click the Manage button. To remove the device from the list, from Action, select Remove. You can also select multiple devices at a time and change their status to Managed or remove them from the list.


If you remove a device from the list and then perform a search again, the removed device is displayed in the Discovered Nodes view. To display the Discovered Nodes view, in the Settings module, select Discovery and then Discovered Nodes.

Related Topics:

(9) Deploying agents to selected groups of computers on which agents have not yet been installed

You can deploy agents to selected groups of computers to be managed.


During agent deployment, approximately 80 MB of data is sent to each computer.

To deploy agents to selected groups of computers:

  1. In the Settings module, select Agent and then Agent Deployment to display the Agent Deployment view.

  2. Select the computers to which you want to deploy agents.

  3. Click the Deploy Agent button.

  4. In the displayed dialog box, select an agent configuration you want to apply to computers.

  5. Click the OK button.

Agents are deployed to selected computers. To view the agent deployment status, in the Settings module, select Agent and then Agent Deployment to display the Agent Deployment view.


An agent is installed to the folder specified in the default agent configuration. If you have changed the installation folder, you need to specify the drive and the write-enabled folder. Note that the specified agent configuration is applied to computers after the installation is complete.