
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Operation GUI, Command, and API Reference

6.7.2 Add Groups dialog box

Use the Add Groups dialog box to register Active Directory groups as JP1/AO user groups.

To display the Add Groups dialog box, in the Group List view, click the Add Groups button.

Figure 6‒24: Add Groups dialog box


The following items are displayed in this view:

Group List

Use this area to enter the information about Active Directory groups to be registered as JP1/AO user groups.

Distinguished Name text box

Enter the identification name of each Active Directory group that you want to register as a JP1/AO user group. You can enter a string that has no more than 250 characters. The string must conform to the conventions prescribed in RFC 4514. The first RDN (relative distinguished name) is registered as a group name.

- (minus sign) button

Clicking a minus sign (-) button on the right of a Distinguished Name text box deletes the text box. You cannot click a minus sign button if there is only one Distinguished Name text box.

+ (plus sign) button

Clicking a plus sign (+) button adds a Distinguished Name text box. You can display a maximum of 20 Distinguished Name text boxes.

Check DN button

Clicking this button checks whether the identification names entered in the Distinguished Name text boxes are correct and whether the entered identification names are registered in Active Directory.

Reset button

Clicking this button clears all text entered in the Distinguished Name text boxes.

OK button

Clicking this button registers the entered groups as JP1/AO user groups.

Cancel button

Clicking this button closes the Add Groups dialog box.