
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Operation GUI, Command, and API Reference

4.1.1 Submit Service dialog box

Use the Submit Service dialog box to execute a service registered in JP1/AO.

To display the Submit Service dialog box, select a service in the Services window, and then click the Submit button. Alternatively, in the Task Details dialog box, click the Resubmit button.

Figure 4‒2: Submit Service dialog box


The following items are displayed in this dialog box:


The name of the service to be executed is displayed.


A brief description of the service is displayed.


The category to which the service to be executed belongs is displayed.

Resource Group

The resource group that the service to be executed is registered to is displayed

Configuration Type

The configuration type of the service template on which the service is based is displayed.

Name text box

Enter a task name in this text box.

The text box allows a maximum of 128 characters. The default task name displayed in this text box is service-name_YYYYMMDDhhmmss (YYYYMMDDhhmmss: date and time that the service was executed).

Description text box

Enter a brief description of the task. The text box allows a maximum of 256 characters.


Property information is displayed for the selected service. If you click the column title of a display item, the data will be sorted in ascending or descending order. The properties vary depending on the service template used.


Each property is displayed per group. This item will not be displayed when no property groups are set in the service template.

Table 4‒2: Items displayed in the list of properties (Submit Service dialog box)

Display item



Displays the name of each property.


Displays the name of each property key.


Provides fields in which to enter a property value necessary to execute each service.


Displays a brief description of each property.


Select the timing to execute the services.

Schedule Type list box

Select the type of Schedule.

  • Now

    Select this item to execute the services immediately.

  • Later

    If you select this item, the Schedule Starts On text box and the Schedule Time spin box appear.

    If you want to execute the services at the specified date and time, select this item.

    Figure 4‒3: Submit Service dialog box (when Later is selected)


    Schedule Starts On text box

    Click the Calendar button. From the displayed calendar, select the date to specify the execution start date for the service.

    Schedule Time spin box

    Specify the execution start time (hour and minute) in 24-hour format.

  • Recurring

    If you select this item, the Schedule Starts On text box, the Recurrence Pattern list box, and the Recurrence Time spin box appear.

    If you want to execute the services periodically at the specified date and time, select this item.

    Figure 4‒4: Submit Service dialog box (when Recurring is selected)


    Schedule Starts On text box

    Click the Calendar button. From the displayed calendar, select the date to specify the execution start date for the service.

    Recurrence Pattern list box

    Specify the recurrence pattern of the service. The options available are Daily, Weekly, and Monthly.

    • Daily

      Starting from the specified execution start date, the service is executed daily at the specified time.

    • Weekly

      If you select this option, the Recurs On check boxes appear. Select the day of the week on which to execute the service.

      Recurs On check boxes

      Specify the day of the week on which to periodically execute the service. You can select multiple days.

    • Monthly

      If you select this option, the Recurrence Date text box and the Last day of the month check box appear.

      Recurrence Date text box

      Enter the date on which to periodically execute the service. An integer value in the range from 1 to 31 can be entered. You can specify multiple dates. To specify multiple dates, delimit the dates with a comma (,). For example, if you want to execute the service on the 1st and 15th day of the month, enter 1,15.

      If you specify 31, the service will not be executed in the months that have only 30 days. If you want to execute the service at every end of the month, select the Last day of the month check box.

      Last day of the month check box

      If you select this check box, the service is executed at every end of the month.

    Recurrence Time spin box

    Specify the start time (hour and minute) at which to periodically execute the service.

Show Plan button

If you click this button, the Plan Summary dialog box appears. Check the detailed plan for executing the service. To execute the service, click the Submit button in the Plan Summary dialog box.

Cancel button

If you click this button, the Submit Service dialog box closes.

Show Service Details button

If you click this button, a brief description of the service appears.