
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Service Support Operator's Guide

3.7.3 Editing status names

The following describes how to edit status names. Only users who belong to the process work board management role can perform these operations.

  1. In the main window (Item list), select Process work board at the top of the tree, and from the Action menu, select Status management.

    The Status management window appears.

  2. From the menu, select Edit Label.

    The Edit status label window appears.

    Figure 3‒23: Edit status label window


  3. Edit the status names.

    Enter character strings containing 1 to 255 half-width characters, or 1 to approximately 85 full-width characters. The character strings must not contain control characters (0x00 to 0x1F and 0x7F).

  4. After editing the status names, click Settings.

    The new status names are registered, and you are returned to the Status management window.

  • Do not give a default status such as Received and Close a name with a substantially different meaning. This can make it difficult for the operator to check Item statuses in the main window (Item status).

  • In the main window (Item status), Item statuses are tallied based on status ID. This means that if you create a new status that you call Discussing, Items with that status are not counted in the same category as the default Discussing status.

  • You cannot register more than one status with the same name.

  • Items with the status ID JIMSD_STAT_DISCUSSING contribute to the tally of the accumulation unit Discussing in the main window (Item status). If you change the name of the Discussing status, use a name that makes it clear that Items in that status will be counted as Discussing in the main window (Item status).