
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Service Support Configuration and Administration Guide

jssitemimport (imports Item information)

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This command registers new Item information in the Item management database of JP1/IM - Service Support.


jssitemimport -i Item-information-entries-file-name
              -r registrant-ID
             [-m code-mapping-file-name]

Required execution permission

Administrator permissions

Storage folder



-i Item-information-entries-file-name

Use a character string consisting of 255 bytes or less to specify the name of an Item information entries file. Count two bytes for full-width characters in the file name. You can use an absolute path or a relative path to specify the file name. When you use a relative path, make sure that it will be 255 bytes or less after it is converted to an absolute path. For the file name, you cannot specify a character string beginning with a hyphen (-). For details about Item information entries files, see File for Item information entries (Optional) in Chapter 12. Definition Files.

-r registrant-ID

Use 64 or less half-width alphanumeric characters to specify the user ID of the person who registers the Items.

An error occurs in the following cases:

  • No user with the specified ID exists.

  • The user with the specified ID does not have the permission to register Items in the target process work board.


Continues processing even if some of the data in the Item information entries file is incorrect. If you specify the -f option, the command continues processing even if the information about an Item in the Item information entries file is improper and proceeds to register the information about the next Item.

If you do not specify the -f option and the command fails to register the information about a single Item in the Item information entries file, the processing is canceled and all Item information will not be registered.

-m code-mapping-file-name

Use a character string consisting of 255 bytes or less to specify the name of the code mapping file when you use a user-defined code mapping file. Count two bytes for full-width characters in the file name. You can use an absolute path or a relative path to specify the file name. When you use a relative path, make sure that it will be 255 bytes or less after it is converted to an absolute path.For details about code mapping files, see Code mapping file (jp1imss_itemimport_codemap.conf) in Chapter 12. Definition Files.

Return values

Return value



Normal end


Abnormal end

Prerequisites for executing the command



The following example shows how to register Item information in the Item management database by using an Item information entries file (c:\Item\Itemimport.csv).

jssitemimport -i c:\Item\Itemimport.csv -r user0001