
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Service Support Configuration and Administration Guide

7.1 Starting JP1/IM - Service Support

To start JP1/IM - Service Support, you need to start the JP1/IM - Service Support services.

You can start the services from the Service Control Manager of Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008, or Windows Server 2003. Start the services in the following order:

  1. JP1/Service Support - DB Server service

  2. JP1/Service Support service

  3. JP1/Service Support - Web Service service

  4. JP1/Service Support - Task Service service#


    If you want to automatically execute the commands for summarizing Item information, pre-deadline notification, held Item notification, or registering Items by email, start the JP1/Service Support - Task Service service.

    To automatically execute these commands, you need to set them in the Definition file for the task practice service. If you start the JP1/Service Support - Task Service service when the Definition file for the task practice service is in the default status, the service will fail because no commands to be executed are registered. For details, see Definition file for the task practice service (jp1imss_service_setting.conf) in Chapter 12. Definition Files.

To start each of the above services:

  1. In Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003, from the Start menu, select Administrative Tools and then Services. In Windows Server 2012, from the Start window, select Administrative Tools and then Services, or select All apps and then Services.

    The Services dialog box is displayed.

  2. Right click the service to be started, and from the pop-up menu, select Start.