
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Service Support Configuration and Administration Guide

3.13 Exporting Item information to a CSV file

JP1/IM - Service Support provides a CSV output function, which exports Item data to a CSV file. Data of many Items can be saved in a single CSV file. With a listing of Item information in an exported file, you can analyze the occurrence trends of queries or failures. You can also output a CSV file as a backup of Items before maintenance of Item information or when terminating operation of a system or process work board that you are managing.

The CSV output function can output the following types of CSV files:

When you are using the Item storage database in JP1/IM - Service Support Advanced Edition, you can also output information about stored Items to CSV files.

For details about how to output Item information to a CSV file by using the List of item search results window, see the Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Service Support Operator's Guide.

For details about the procedure for outputting a CSV file by using a command (and the file output format), see jssitemlist (outputs a list of Items), jssitemhistory (outputs Item history), or jssitemexportEx (exports extended Item information) in Chapter 11. Commands.