
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Operation Service Template Developer's Guide

2.6.3 Definitions in service resource files

The definitions in the service resource file depend on the type of display items you are setting. You can specify the following definitions in the service resource file:

Setting items displayed in the Edit Service Definition dialog box

Define entries in the following format to set the property names, descriptions, and other information displayed in the Edit Service Definition dialog box.


Property keys can be 1 to 128 characters long.

As the delimiting character, you can use an equals sign =, a colon (:), a tab character (\t), or a single-byte space.

For example, enter a definition in the format service.displayName=TestService.

When specifying display elements for a step on the highest hierarchical level of a flow

Define entries as follows to set the step name and comment displayed in the Step Details area of the Task Details dialog box.

Setting a step name

To set a step name in a service template, enter a definition in the following format:


For example, enter a definition in the format dnajob.teststep.displayName=TestStep.

Setting a step description

To set a description of a step, enter a definition in the following format:


For example. enter a definition in the format dnajob.teststep.comment=This is a test step..

When specifying display elements for a step that is not on the highest hierarchical level of a flow

Specify the step IDs from the step at the highest hierarchical level to the target step, connecting them with slashes (/).

For example, to specify a resource in Step F in the figure below, connect the step ID for Step B at the highest hierarchical level to the step ID for Step F. To specify a resource in Step I, connect the step IDs of Step B, Step G, and Step I.

Figure 2‒11: Example of specifying resources in Step F and Step I


The following shows how to specify resources in Step F and Step I in a service resource file.

dnajob.StepB/StepF.displayName=Step F
dnajob.StepB/StepF.comment=Step F description
dnajob.StepB/StepG/StepI.displayName=Step I
dnajob.StepB/StepG/StepI.comment=Step I description

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