
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Operation Service Template Developer's Guide

2.2.11 Overview of Service Share Properties

Service Share Properties are properties that are shared by more than one service, each of which can view and update its value.

You can define a service property as a Service Share Property by selecting the Service Share Properties check box in the Scope area of the Create Input Property for Service dialog box or the Edit Input Property for Service dialog box. Any service can use the same property key to reference and update the Shared Service Property.

A Service Share Property referenced by a service or task returns a value maintained by the system.

Because the value of a Service Share Property is the same system-wide, you cannot assign a different value for different resource groups. Even if you add multiple services from a service template and assign each to a different resource group, the value of the Service Share Property is shared among the resource groups.

You can assign values to properties in the Service Definition dialog box, the Submit Service dialog box, and in the Service Share Properties view. Note that the value assigned to a property in the Submit Service dialog box only applies to tasks generated from that service. For this reason, the value you specify in the Submit Service dialog box does not affect the value of the Service Share Property as referenced by other services. Also, after a service is submitted for execution, changing the property value in the Service Share Properties view or other dialog boxes does not affect the property value in the running service.

The following figure shows the valid range of a Service Share Property:

Figure 2‒8: Valid range of Service Share Property


The following figure shows the valid range of an ordinary (non-shared) service property:

Figure 2‒9: Valid range of ordinary (non-shared) service property


If you do not select the Service Share Properties check box in the Scope area, the value specified for the property is only valid in the context of that service. You can assign property values in the Service Definition dialog box and the Submit Service dialog box.

Shared service properties that are predefined by JP1/AO are called shared built-in service properties.

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