
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Operation Service Template Developer's Guide

2.2.5 Example of mapping parameter definition and flow of data

The process of defining mapping parameters links the input and output properties of a service to the input and output properties and variables of a plug-in. By defining mapping parameters, you can execute processing that uses a value specified at service execution as a value of the input property of a plug-in. You can also assign the output of a plug-in to an output property of a service template or a variable when the plug-in finishes processing.

The following describes an example of mapping parameter definitions, and explains what kind of data is exchanged between properties.


The following describes an example of creating a service template that executes certain plug-ins and is defined as shown below.


The properties defined in the Edit Service Definition dialog box are mapped to the execution-target server, plug-in output results, and storage folder path.

Flow of data

The following figure shows the flow of data between properties:

Figure 2‒6: Flow of data between properties


  1. The value specified for the Server name parameter in the Submit Service dialog box is stored as the value of the Execution-target server parameter for plug-in A and plug-in B.

  2. The value specified for the Storage folder path parameter in the Submit Service dialog box is stored as the value of the Storage folder path parameter for plug-in B.

  3. The value of the Plug-in output results parameter of plug-in A appears for the Service execution result property in the Task Details dialog box.

  4. The value of the Execution-target server parameter of plug-in A and plug-in B appears in the Server name field of the Task Details dialog box.

  5. The value of the Storage folder path parameter of plug-in B appears for the Storage folder path property in the Task Details dialog box.