
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Operation Service Template Developer's Guide

2.1.2 Overview of development service templates and release service templates

There are two types of service template you can edit in the Editor window:

Development service template

A service template a user is developing. Service templates created by copying a release service template are also categorized as development service templates. Development service templates appear in the Under Development tab of the Service Template List dialog box.

When you build a development service template, Debug is set as the configuration type and execution of the service can be tested. Services added from a development service template are used in a development environment. Any service template that is not yet built is also categorized as a development service template.

Release service template

A service template that was imported into the JP1/AO server by releasing a development service template. Service templates provided by JP1/AO are also categorized as release service templates. Release service templates are used for real-world applications in the active environment. Released is set as the configuration type of release service templates. These templates appear in the Release tab of the Service Template List dialog box.

Service templates that were imported to the JP1/AO server by executing the importservicetemplate command and have the configuration type release are handled as release service templates.

Note that you cannot edit a service template after its release. To edit such a template, copy the release template and then edit the copy as a development service template.

Important note

Once edited, the service templates and plug-ins provided by JP1/AO are outside the scope of JP1/AO product support. However, product support is still offered for the plug-ins provided by JP1/AO (in the standard package or the JP1/AO Content Set) that are called from such templates.

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