
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Advanced Shell Description, User's Guide, Reference, and Operator's Guide

11.1.3 Assignment of message numbers

Messages are grouped by ranges of message numbers into broad subject categories. The following table lists the subject categories of the ranges of message numbers (these are the numbers that follow JP1/Advanced Shell's message prefix KNAX).

Table 11‒3: Subject categories assigned to ranges of message numbers

Message numbers

Subject category of messages

0001 through 0299

Basic job processing

0300 through 0399

Command arguments

0400 through 0699

Environment files

0700 through 0899

Job execution logs

1600 through 1899

Area allocation

1900 through 2199

Job step execution

2200 through 2499

Message processing

3000 through 3999


4414 through 4429

Spool job manipulation

5300 through 5399

Adapter commands

5400 through 5499

User-reply commands

6000 through 6699

Batch job execution control

6700 through 6999

Cross-platform operability

7000 through 7399

Development environment

7400 through 7599

User-reply functionality

7600 through 7799

JP1 program linkage functions

7800 through 7999

Common functions

9000 through 9999
