
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Advanced Shell Description, User's Guide, Reference, and Operator's Guide

#-adsh_file command (specifies assignment and postprocessing of regular files)

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#-adsh_file file-environment-variable file-path
             [-chk {exist|no}]
             [-normal {del|keep}] [-abnormal {del|keep}]


This command assigns a regular file, checks for the existence of a regular file, or specifies the postprocessing of a regular file. A maximum of 4,095 regular files can be assigned.

For details about assigning and postprocessing regular files, as well as the functional differences from the adshfile command, see 5.9.1 Allocating regular files and performing postprocessing.

The regular files assigned by this command are managed separately from those assigned by the adshfile command. However, postprocessing is executed first for the regular files assigned by the adshfile command and then for the regular files assigned by the #-adsh_file command. If the same file is assigned by both commands, it will be postprocessed twice and an error might result.



~<environment variable name>((1 to 31 bytes))

Specifies the name of a file environment variable that is being defined. This will serve as the key for identifying the regular file you are assigning to it.

In Windows, if ENABLE is specified in the VAR_ENV_NAME_LOWERCASE environment setting parameter, lowercase letters can be specified. If DISABLE is specified, lowercase letters cannot be specified.


Windows: ~<path name>((1 to 247 bytes))

UNIX: ~<path name>((1 to 1,023 bytes))

Specifies the path of the regular file that is to be assigned.

If a relative path is specified, it is converted into an absolute path before the command is executed. Make sure that the path length following conversion to an absolute path does not exceed the maximum permissible path length set by the OS. If the maximum set by the OS is exceeded, an execution error will occur.


Specifies whether a check is to be conducted for the existence of the specified regular file. If this specification is omitted, no is assumed.

  • exist

    Check for the existence of the file.

  • no or not specified

    Do not check for the existence of the file.


Specifies postprocessing that is to be performed when the applicable job or job step terminates normally. If this specification is omitted, keep is assumed.

  • del

    After the applicable job or job step has completed, delete the assigned regular file.

  • keep

    After the applicable job or job step has completed, do not delete the assigned regular file.


Specifies postprocessing that is to be performed when the applicable job or job step terminates with an error. If this specification is omitted, keep is assumed.

  • del

    After the applicable job or job step has completed, delete the assigned regular file.

  • keep

    After the applicable job or job step has completed, do not delete the assigned regular file.

Return codes

Return code



Normal termination


Error termination