
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Advanced Shell Description, User's Guide, Reference, and Operator's Guide

stat command (outputs the statuses of files and directories to the standard output)

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(Windows only) stat [-c format] [-t] path-name ...
(UNIX only)   stat [-L] [-c format] [-t] path-name ...


This command outputs file or directory statuses to the standard output. If a symbolic link file is specified for path-name, the command displays the status of the symbolic link file without using the link.




(UNIX only)

Specifies that if a symbolic link file is specified for path-name, the command is to display the status of the file or directory at the link destination.

-c format


Specifies the format in which the status of a file or directory is to be displayed . For format, you can specify a format specification code and any character string. For details about the display formats and format specification codes when this option is specified, see Unique display format in Display formats. If an unsupported format specification code is specified, the command outputs a warning message to the standard error output and a question mark (?) to the standard output, and then resumes the subsequent processing.

If this option is specified together with the -t option, this option takes effect.



Specifies that the information is to be displayed in the concise format. For details about the concise display format, see Concise display format in Display formats.


Specifies the name of a file or a directory whose status is to be displayed.

If multiple path names are specified, file or directory statuses are displayed vertically. If the command is executed with multiple path names specified and the status display fails even for one of the files or directories, the command terminates with return code 1.

Return codes

Return code



Normal termination

1 or greater

Error termination

Display formats

The three file information display formats are the normal display format, the concise display format, and the unique display format. The display format to be used depends on the options specification.

Normal display format

This is the display format used when no option is specified. The following file information is displayed with the indicated labels:

Output information


Quoted file name

For a symbolic link, the reference target of the symbolic link is also displayed. (UNIX only)


Total size


Number of allocated blocks


Optimum block size for file system I/O operations

IO Block:

File type

For details about the information that is displayed, see Information displayed as file types in Display formats.


Device number

This information is displayed in the format device-number-in-hexadecimal-h/device-number-in-decimal-d.

Nothing is displayed for non-device files.


Inode number


Number of hard links


Device file type

This information is displayed in the format major-device-number,minor-device-number. Nothing is displayed for non-device files.

Device type:


This information is displayed in the format permissions-in-octal/permissions-character-string.


Owner's user information

This information is displayed in the format owner's-user-ID/owner's-user-name.


Owner's group information

This information is displayed in the format owner's-group-ID/owner's-group-name.


File's most recent access date and time


File's most recent modification date and time


Most recent date and time file information was changed



-: Displayed without a label.

Concise display format

This is the display format used when the -t option is specified. The following information is displayed sequentially separated by the space.

  • File name

  • Total size

  • Number of allocated blocks

  • raw mode in hexadecimal

  • Owner's user ID

  • Owner's group ID

  • Device number in hexadecimal

  • Inode number

  • Number of hard links

  • Major device number

  • Minor device number

  • File's most recent access date and time (number of seconds since the epoch)

  • File's most recent modification date and time (number of seconds since the epoch)

  • Most recent date and time file information was changed (number of seconds since the epoch)

  • Optimum block size for file system I/O operations

Unique display format

This is the display format used when the -c option is specified. You can specify a unique display format by combining format specification codes and any character strings. Also, format specification code % can be followed by a flag character, field width, and precision.

  • Format specification codes

    The following table lists and describes the supported format specification codes:

    Format specification code



    Permissions in octal

    In Windows, only the owner's permissions are displayed.


    Permissions character string

    In Windows, only the owner's permissions are displayed.


    Number of allocated blocks

    In Windows, 0 is always displayed.


    Size of one block (bytes)

    In Windows, 0 is always displayed.


    Device number in decimal

    In Windows, a drive number is displayed, but the display varies in the following cases:

    • For paths whose full path has no colon (:) after the drive letter

      The command displays - as the device number and then resumes the subsequent processing.

    • If the device number acquisition processing results in an error

      The command outputs a warning message to the standard error output, displays a question mark (?) as the device number, and then resumes the subsequent processing.


    Device number in hexadecimal

    In Windows, a drive number is displayed, but the display varies in the following cases:

    • For paths whose full path has no colon (:) after the drive letter

      The command displays - as the device number and then resumes the subsequent processing.

    • If the device number acquisition processing results in an error

      The command outputs a warning message to the standard error output, displays a question mark (?) as the device number, and then resumes the subsequent processing.


    raw mode in hexadecimal

    In Windows, only the owner's permissions are displayed.


    File type

    For details about the information that is displayed, see Information displayed as file types in Display formats.


    Owner's group ID

    In Windows, 0 is always displayed.


    Owner's group name

    In Windows, an ellipsis (...) is always displayed.

    In UNIX, if the owner's group name cannot be acquired, the command displays the owner's group ID and then resumes the subsequent processing.


    Number of hard links

    In Windows, 0 is always displayed.


    Inode number

    In Windows, 0 is always displayed.


    File name


    File name enclosed in quotation marks

    For a symbolic link, the name of the referenced file is also displayed.

    In Windows, the name of the referenced file is not displayed even for a symbolic link.

    In UNIX, if acquisition of the name of the referenced file fails, the command outputs a warning message to the standard error output and then resumes the subsequent processing without displaying the name of the referenced file.


    Optimum block size for file system I/O operations

    In Windows, 0 is always displayed.


    Total size (bytes)

    In Windows, 0 is always displayed as the total size of directories.

    In UNIX, 0 is always displayed as the total size of device files.


    Major device number in hexadecimal

    In Windows, 0 is always displayed.


    Minor device number in hexadecimal

    In Windows, 0 is always displayed.


    Owner's user ID

    In Windows, 0 is always displayed.


    Owner's user name

    In Windows, if the owner's user name cannot be acquired, the command displays an ellipsis (...), and then resumes the subsequent processing.

    In UNIX, if the owner's user name cannot be acquired, the command displays the owner's user ID, and then resumes the subsequent processing.


    File's most recent access date and time

    In Windows, the file's most recent modification date and time is displayed.

    If the command fails to display the file's most recent access date and time, the command outputs a warning message to the standard error output, displays a question mark (?) as the file's most recent access date and time, and then resumes the subsequent processing.


    File's most recent access date and time

    Number of seconds from the epoch (UTC January 1, 1970, 00:00:00) to the file's most recent access date and time.

    In Windows, the file's most recent modification date and time is displayed.


    File's most recent modification date and time#

    If the command fails to display the file's most recent modification date and time, the command outputs a warning message to the standard error output, displays a question mark (?) as the file's most recent modification date and time, and then resumes the subsequent processing.


    Number of seconds from the epoch (UTC January 1, 1970, 00:00:00) to the file's most recent modification date and time


    Most recent date and time file information was changed#

    In Windows, the file's most recent modification date and time is displayed.

    If the command fails to display the most recent date and time file information was changed, the command outputs a warning message to the standard error output, displays a question mark (?) as the most recent date and time file information was changed, and then resumes the subsequent processing.


    Number of seconds from the epoch (UTC January 1, 1970, 00:00:00) to the most recent date and time the file was changed.

    In Windows, the file's most recent modification date and time is displayed.


    Percent symbol (%)


    The following format is used for display of file's most recent access date and time, file's most recent modification date and time, and most recent date and time file information was changed:

    YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.nnnnnnnnn +/-hhmm

    [Figure] YYYY: Calendar year

    [Figure] MM: Month

    [Figure] DD: Date

    [Figure] hh: Hour

    [Figure] mm: Minute

    [Figure] ss: Second

    [Figure] nnnnnnnnn: Date and time less than one second. 000000000 is always output.

    [Figure] +/-hhmm: Time zone (time differential from UTC)

  • Flag characters

    You can specify (or omit) the following flag characters following the % format specification code:

    Flag character



    Prefixes with 0 an octal number other than 0.

    Prefixes with 0x a hexadecimal number other than 0.


    Left-aligns the output character strings in fields.


    Always displays a symbol (+ or -) indicating a positive or negative numeric value.

    This specification is ignored for file information that is defined as unsigned integers.


    Displays a space before a positive number for file information that is defined as signed integers.

    If this flag character is specified together with +, + takes effect.


    Pads the leading part of fields with zeros, not spaces.

  • Field width

    You can define a minimum field width by specifying a numeric value following the % format specification code or flag character. The permitted range for field width is from 0 to 2147483647. The field width can be omitted.

  • Precision

    You can define a period (.) and one of the numeric values listed below following the % format specification code or flag character. The precision range is from 0 to 2147483647 in UNIX and from 0 to 512 in Windows. The precision can be omitted.

    • If the file information is a character string

      The maximum length to be displayed is defined.

    • If the file information is a numeric value

      The minimum number of digits is defined.

Information displayed as file types

The following table lists the file types that are displayed and their meanings:

File type


regular file

Regular file



symbolic link

Symbolic link (UNIX only)


FIFO (UNIX only)


Socket (UNIX only)

block special file

Block special file (UNIX only)

character special file

Character special file (UNIX only)

unknown file

Unknown file (other than the above) (UNIX only)

