
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Advanced Shell Description, User's Guide, Reference, and Operator's Guide

lhost_start and lhost_end parameters (define a set of parameters applicable only to a specified logical host)

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#-adsh_conf lhost_start logical-host-name
#-adsh_conf lhost_end


If there are environment setting parameters or export parameters that are to take effect only on a specific logical host, define those parameters enclosed between an lhost_start parameter and an lhost_end parameter. Make sure that each lhost_end parameter is paired with an lhost_start parameter.

Specifying multiple conditional parameters for the same logical host does not result in an error. All sets of parameters that are specified are effective.


logical-host-name ~<any character string>((1 to 255 bytes))

Specifies the name of the applicable logical host. Specifying multiple definitions for the same logical host does not result in an error. All sets of parameters specified are effective.

In Windows, you cannot specify a logical host name exceeding 196 bytes. Because the parameter might not work in some cases when the logical host name exceeds 63 bytes, we recommend that you always specify logical host names that do not exceed 63 bytes.