
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Advanced Shell Description, User's Guide, Reference, and Operator's Guide

2.1.2 Installation directory (UNIX only)

Organization of this subsection

(1) Installation directory

The UNIX execution environment is installed in a fixed directory (/opt/jp1as). There is no development environment for a UNIX environment.

The organization of the installation directory is as follows:

  |---bin               : Program directory
  |---cmd               : Directory for UNIX-compatible commands
  |---conf              : System environment file storage directory
  |---instlog           : Installation log information directory
  |---lib               : Library directory
  |    |---nls          : Message catalog directory
  |---log               : Directory for system execution logs
  |---maintenance       : Directory used for handling errors
  |---sample            : Directory for sample data
  |    |---Adapter_HITACHI_JP1_AS_USERREPLY.conf
  |    | : Adapter command configuration file used for the user-reply functionality
  |    |---hitachi_jp1_as_C_attr_cn.conf
  |    | : definition file for the extended event attributes (English)
  |    |---hitachi_jp1_as_C_attr_en.conf
  |    | : definition file for the extended event attributes (English)
  |    |---hitachi_jp1_as_EUC_attr_ja.conf
  |    | : definition file for the extended event attributes (Japanese EUC)
  |    |---hitachi_jp1_as_SJIS_attr_ja.conf
  |    | : definition file for the extended event attributes (Japanese Shift JIS)
  |    |---hitachi_jp1_as_UTF8_attr_ja.conf
  |    | : definition file for the extended event attributes (Japanese UTF-8)
  |    |---jp1_as_md    : Automatic start and stop script file
  |    |                  for user-reply functionality management daemon#
  |    |---sample.ase   : Templates for environment files
  |    |---sample.ash   : Sample job definition script file
  |---sbin              : Program directory for system administrator
  | : Directory used by the user-reply functionality management daemon
  |---trace             : Trace directory
  |---util--setup.exe   : Installer for the custom job definition program

Installed for the Linux, HP-UX, and Solaris versions.

(2) Spool directory and directory for temporary files

The spool directory and the directory for temporary files are created in the following directories:

/var/opt/jp1as--spool : Spool directory
            |---temp  : Directory for temporary files

(3) List of programs

The following table lists and describes the storage locations and file names of the main programs used in JP1/Advanced Shell.

Table 2‒2: Main programs used in JP1/Advanced Shell (UNIX only)

Storage directory

File name

Overview of program




Merging coverage information

Command that merges coverage information.


Displaying coverage information

Command that displays coverage information.


Outputting job definition script operation information

Command that outputs job definition script operation information to a CSV file.


Executing batch jobs

Command that executes batch jobs.


Registration of file postprocessing

Command that defines how a specified file is to be processed when a job step or job is terminated.


Deleting spool jobs

Command that deletes spool jobs.


awk, basename, cat, cmp, cp, cut, date, diff, dirname, egrep, expand, expr, find, getopt, grep, head, hostname, ls, mkdir, mv, paste, rm, rmdir, sed, sleep, sort, split, stat, tail, touch, uname, uniq, wc, which

UNIX-compatible commands

UNIX-compatible commands that can be used from job definition scripts.



Collecting data

Command that collects troubleshooting data.



Manual response to reply-request messages when an error occurs

Command that is used to respond manually to reply-request messages when an error occurs. This command must be used by a user with the superuser permissions.


Displaying a list of reply-request messages when an error has occurred

Command that displays a list of reply-request messages when an error has occurred. This command must be used by a user with the superuser permissions.


User-reply functionality's management daemon

Command that starts and stops the daemon for managing shared memory for the user-reply functionality. This command must be used by a user with the superuser permissions.