
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Advanced Shell Description, User's Guide, Reference, and Operator's Guide

1.3.1 Procedure for executing batch jobs automatically (working with JP1/AJS)

When you use JP1/Advanced Shell to run batch jobs, you can call the execution environment from the job scheduler's JP1/AJS so that the batch jobs can execute automatically. JP1/Advanced Shell provides job controller functions that manage execution of a user's business applications. The following figure shows the positioning of JP1/Advanced Shell for business applications.

Figure 1‒5: Positioning of JP1/Advanced Shell for business applications


When you link JP1/Advanced Shell to JP1/AJS, you can register batch job execution schedules for executing batch jobs.

A job definition script containing job definitions is analyzed by the job controller. The job controller controls execution and termination of batch jobs by allocating and releasing input and output devices and various system resources. JP1/Advanced Shell achieves central management by executing this job definition script and collecting the execution results on the spool.

The figure below shows the JP1/Advanced Shell operation procedure. In the figure, the processing performed by JP1/AJS is identified by the number 3, and the processing performed by JP1/Advanced Shell is identified by the numbers 4 through 6.

Figure 1‒6: JP1/Advanced Shell operation procedure (working with JP1/AJS)


To run JP1/Advanced Shell:

  1. Create job definition scripts.

  2. Transfer the job definition scripts to JP1/Advanced Shell's execution environment.

  3. The job controller starts according to a schedule registered in JP1/AJS.

  4. The job controller executes batch jobs using the procedure shown below according to the contents of a job definition script created in step 1.

    Analyze the job definition script [Figure] Allocate file resources [Figure] Execute jobs and job steps [Figure] Release file resources

  5. Collect the batch job execution results on the spool for central management.

  6. If necessary, use commands to display coverage information and to output information about the execution results of the job definition scripts.