
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Data Highway - Server Configuration and Administration Guide

7.4.1 Suspension and cancellation of the active file transfer

This command suspends or cancels the file transfer being executed by JP1/Data Highway - AJE. Note that for file transfer using a command of JP1/Data Highway - AJE 10-00, you cannot use this command to suspend and cancel the processes.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Format

   -property property-file
   [-deliveryid delivery-ID]

(2) Arguments

Table 7‒10: Arguments of the command for suspending and canceling the active file transfer






Suspends the file transfer being executed by JP1/Data Highway - AJE.

The client executing the suspended file transfer ends the process in response to the corresponding exit code (ended by suspension).

To resume the suspended file transfer process, use the command for resuming the suspended file transfer on the client side.



Cancels the file transfer being executed by JP1/Data Highway - AJE.

The client executing the canceled file transfer ends the process in response to the corresponding exit code (ended by cancellation).

The canceled file transfer cannot be resumed. If you cancel file transfer during their transmission, the delivery data in JP1/DH - Server is deleted. If you cancel file transfer during reception, the delivery data is not deleted.

Note that you cannot cancel suspended file transfer.



Specifies the delivery ID of the target file whose transfer is suspended or canceled.

You can acquire the delivery ID by using the command for acquiring delivery information.

If you omit specifying this option, all the files whose transfer is being executed by JP1/Data Highway - AJE are to be suspended or canceled.



For details, see 7.3.2 Common options.

(3) Description

The details of the command for suspending and canceling the active file transfer are described as follows:

(a) Time required for command execution

After this command is executed, it might take time for the instruction to reach the client.

(b) Storage expiration date

Delivery data of suspended file transfer is also deleted automatically when its storage period defined in the delivery policy expires. For that reason, we recommend setting a sufficiently long storage period.

(c) When the server stops

When the server stops, the ongoing file transfer processes are suspended.

(4) Execution example

DWAdminClient.bat SUSPEND
 -property "C:\DWCLient\property.xml"
 -deliveryid 00000001