
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Data Highway - Server Configuration and Administration Guide

3.7.4 Structure and notes on editing of an email template file

This section describes a structure and notes on editing of the email template file.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Structure of the email template file

The email template is a file in XML format. You can only edit the message subject and message body parts in the file.

The structure of the file is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <notification-template type=type-of-email-template lang=language>

(2) Notes on editing

An email template file must be created in XML format.

To represent an element with no content, use the form of <tag-name/>, which combines a start tag and end tag together. You cannot use the form of <tag-name><tag-name/>.

Also, if the content of an element contains any format control character or characters in XML, such as a left angle bracket (<), you must follow the notation as defined in the XML specifications to use such characters. This allows you to represent those characters by using the entity reference or CDATA section.

The following table describes notations of several format control characters of XML if the characters are used as an entity reference in an email template file.

Table 3‒30: Entity-referenced notations of format control characters of XML used in an email template file


Format control character

Notation in the email template file


Left angle bracket (<)



Right angle bracket (>)



Ampersand (&)



Double quotation mark (")



Apostrophe mark (')


The message subject and body can contain a placeholder element that consists of particular characters.

If a placeholder element is specified, the system replaces it with a particular value when forming the message subject or message body. Possible placeholder elements vary depending on the type of email notifications. For details about the placeholder element, see the description for each template file.