
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Remote Monitor for Virtual Machine Description, User's Guide and Reference

Organization of report folders

The folder structure of a report in PFM - RM for Virtual Machine is shown below. The item inside < > indicates a folder name.

<RM VirtualMachine>
 +-- <Monthly Trend>
 |    +-- <Host CPU Used Status>
 |    +-- <Host Disk Used>
 |    +-- <Host Memory Used>
 |    +-- <Host Network Data>
 |    +-- <VM CPU Insufficient>
 |    +-- <VM Disk Abort Commands>
 |    +-- <VM Disk Used>
 |    +-- <VM Network Data>
 +-- <Status Reporting>
 |    +-- <Daily Trend>
 |    |    +-- <Host CPU Used Status>
 |    |    +-- <Host Memory Used>
 |    |    +-- <VM CPU Insufficient>
 |    +-- <Real-Time>
 |    |    +-- <Host Disk Used>
 |    |    +-- <VM Disk Abort Commands>
 |    |    +-- <VM Disk Used>
 +-- <Troubleshooting>
      +-- <Real-Time>
      |    +-- <Host CPU Used Status>
      |    +-- <Host Disk I/O>
      |    +-- <Host Disk Used Status>
      |    +-- <Host Memory Size>
      |    +-- <Host Memory Used>
      |    +-- <Host Memory Used Status>
      |    +-- <Host Network Data>
      |    +-- <VM CPU Allocation Value>
      |    +-- <VM CPU Insufficient>
      |    +-- <VM CPU Used>
      |    +-- <VM Disk I/O>
      |    +-- <VM Disk Used Status>
      |    +-- <VM Memory Allocation Value>
      |    +-- <VM Network Data>
      |    +-- <VM Swap Used>
      |    +-- <VM Working Size - Total>
      +-- <Recent Past>
           +-- <Host CPU Used Status>
           +-- <Host Disk I/O>
           +-- <Host Memory Size>
           +-- <Host Memory Used>
           +-- <Host Memory Used Status>
           +-- <VM CPU Allocation Value>
           +-- <VM CPU Insufficient>
           +-- <VM CPU Used>
           +-- <VM Disk I/O>
           +-- <VM Memory Allocation Value>
           +-- <VM Swap Used>
           +-- <VM Working Size - Total>
           +-- <Drilldown Only>
                +-- <VM CPU Used Status>
                +-- <VM Memory Used>
                +-- <VM Memory Used Status>

The following describes each folder.

Additionally, these folders have the following folders under them. The folders that are located below them depend on the higher-order folder. These folders are explained below.