
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Remote Monitor for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference

Overview of the monitoring template

A set of alarms and reports provided by PFM - RM for Platform is called a monitoring template. You can define alarms and reports by the following methods:

Because the necessary information for reports and alarms is predefined in the provided monitoring template, you can use the provided monitoring template as-is, or you can copy the provided template's reports and alarms and customize them as appropriate for your environment. Thus, it is not necessary to use the wizard to create new definitions, which simplifies the preparations for monitoring the operation status of a monitoring target.

This chapter describes the alarm and report settings in the monitoring template that have been defined by PFM - RM for Platform.

For details about how to use the monitoring template, see the chapter that describes report creation for operation analysis or operation monitoring by alarms in the Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management User's Guide.


The threshold value specified in the monitoring template is for reference only. To use the alarm from the monitoring template, you need to copy it and specify a threshold value that is appropriate to your environment and OS.