
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Remote Monitor for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference

1.2.5 Integrating monitoring and analysis of performance data for multiple monitored hosts

PFM - RM for Platform can not only monitor and analyze performance data for each monitored host, but it can also monitor and analyze the performance data for all monitored hosts in an integrated manner.

PFM - RM for Platform treats each monitored host as a remote agent; the integration of remote agents is called a group agent.

The following figure shows the concept of remote agents and group agents.

Figure 1‒2: Concept of remote agents and group agents


The information that is collected as a group agent includes performance data values for multiple monitored hosts, such as averages, totals, maximums, and minimums.

The remote agents that can be integrated as a group agent must belong to the same instance. Therefore, to integrate performance data, you must set the applicable monitored hosts in the same instance environment. For example, if you set instances as described below, you can visually analyze information for all the integrated monitored hosts:

For details about remote agents and group agents, see the chapter that describes management of PFM - RM agents in the Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide.