
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Consolidated Management 2/Extensible SNMP Agent Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

7.1 General troubleshooting procedure

The following is a general troubleshooting procedure to use when a problem occurs during operation of SNMP Agent.

  1. Identify the problem.

    Gain a clear understanding of the problem based on the symptoms that are exhibited. For details about how to gain a good understanding of the problem, see 7.2 Identifying the problem.

  2. Collect logs and data.

    SNMP Agent outputs logs on an ongoing basis. For details about the information output to these logs, see 7.3 Collecting logs.

    Other data must also be collected and reported to the system administrator for troubleshooting. For details about collecting this data, see 7.4 Collecting data.

  3. Take corrective action.

    SNMP is based on UDP. However, UDP does not include error checking and does not guarantee message receipt. Because of this, a problem might occur in communications between SNMP Agent and the SNMP manager. Be aware of this possibility when you attempt to resolve an SNMP Agent problem.

    Refer to 7.5 Taking corrective action, isolate the location and extent of the problem that has occurred, and take an appropriate action to eliminate the cause.

    To resolve a problem in SNMP Agent, refer also to the explanations in the following chapters:

    If the problem is not in SNMP Agent or in the /etc/SnmpAgent.d/snmpd.extend file, see the applicable OS documentation.

Note that the path names of the executable files discussed in this chapter vary depending on the OS. For details, see the path names listed in A. SNMP Agent Files for the OS that you are using.