
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Consolidated Management 2/Extensible SNMP Agent Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

2.9.4 Changing the communication protocol with the native agent

To use SNMPv2c as the communication protocol with the native agent, follow the procedure explained below to change the protocol from SNMPv1 to SNMPv2c. The same procedure can be used to change the protocol from SNMPv2c back to SNMPv1.


  1. If SNMP Agent is running, execute the /opt/CM2/ESA/bin/snmpstop command while logged on as a superuser.

  2. Use the SNMP_NAA_OPTIONS environment variable to specify the startup option in the SnmpNaa environment variable definition file:

    • To change to SNMPv1, specify the option -v1 (or specify nothing).

    • To change to SNMPv2c, specify the option -v2c.

  3. Execute the /opt/CM2/ESA/bin/snmpstart command while logged on as a superuser.

The following examples illustrate how startup options are specified in the SnmpNaa environment variable definition file. The second example uses the SNMP_NAA_OPTIONS environment variable to set the option to -v2c.