
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Consolidated Management 2/SNMP System Observer Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

6.3.28 Action log definition file (ssoauditlog.conf)

In the action log definition file, define the output of SSO action log files. The action log definition file is read when a daemon process is started or a command is executed. Therefore, if you have changed a definition in the action log definition file, you must restart the daemon process.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Format

The following shows the format of the action log definition file.


When coding definitions in the action log definition file, note the following:

(2) Description

The next table lists the items that must be, or can be, defined in the action log definition file.

Key name



<<on>> ((on|off))

Set whether to output the action log file.

on: Outputs the action log file.

off: Does not output the action log file.


<<3>> ((2 to 10))

Specify the number of the action log files.

For example, when 3 is specified, up to 2 generations of backups are stored for the action log file.


<<4>> ((1 to 32 megabytes))

Specify the maximum size of an action log file.



Specify whether to output an action log to the event log (in Windows) or syslog (in UNIX) and the level of output. If you specify I, W, or E, you must specify on in the auditlog-mode key.

0: Does not output the action log to the event log or syslog.

I: Outputs the information of all message ID types.

W: Outputs the information of such message ID types as W and E.

E: Outputs the information of message ID type E.

(3) Example

The following is an example of defining the action log definition file.
