
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Consolidated Management 2/Network Node Manager i Setup Guide

20.5 Changing the host name or domain name of an NNMi management server

Important note

If the NNMi management server participates in NNMi application failover or is a member of a high availability (HA) cluster, contact your support representative for assistance.

To change the NNMi management server's host name, domain name, or both:

  1. Rename the system.

    If necessary, restart the system.

  2. Stop NNMi:

  3. Create a new NNMi public key certificate.

    Create a new certificate for this NNMi management server in the nnm.keystore file. The next time the ovjboss process starts successfully, NNMi will update the database access to use the new certificate.

    a. Change to the directory that contains the NNMi certificates:

    • Windows: %NnmDataDir%shared\nnm\certificates

    • UNIX: $NnmDataDir/shared/nnm/certificates

    Run all commands in this procedure from the certificates directory.

    b. Generate a new public/private key pair (certificate) in the keystore by running the following command:


    %NnmInstallDir%\nonOV\jdk\nnm\bin\keytool.exe -genkey \

    -alias "unique-alias" -keyalg rsa -keysize 2048 \

    -dname "cn=host-name, dc=domain-name-by-parts" \

    -keypass "nnmkeypass" -validity 36500 \

    -keystore nnm.keystore -storepass "nnmkeypass"


    $NnmInstallDir/nonOV/jdk/nnm/bin/keytool -genkey \

    -alias "unique-alias" -keyalg rsa -keysize 2048 \

    -dname "cn=host-name, dc=domain-name-by-parts" \

    -keypass "nnmkeypass" -validity 36500 \

    -keystore nnm.keystore -storepass "nnmkeypass"


    A backslash (\) at the end of a line specifies that the line continues.

    Replace unique-alias with a unique value, such as the new host name of the NNMi management server (for example, newnnmi).

    Replace host-name with the new fully-qualified domain name of the NNMi management server (for example,

    Replace dc=domain-name-by-parts with the individual components of the new domain in which the NNMi management server resides. For example, for the NNMi management server, specify dc=servers, dc=example, dc=com.

    For details about the keytool command, search for Key and Certificate Management Tool at

  4. Change the fully-qualified domain name of the NNMi management server.

    Use the nnmsetofficialfqdn.ovpl command to set NNMi to use the new fully-qualified domain name of the NNMi management server.



    For details, see the nnmsetofficialfqdn.ovpl Reference Page.

  5. Update the HTTPS configuration with the new certificate.

    To update the HTTPS configuration with the new certificate, do the following:

    a. Edit the following file:

    • Windows: %NNM_CONF%\nnm\props\

    • UNIX: $NNM_CONF/nnm/props/

    b. Change the com.hp.ov.nms.ssl.KEY-ALIAS variable so that it matches the unique-alias used in the new NNMi public key certificate in step 3.

    To use a CA certificate, follow the instructions in 8.2 Generating a Certificate Authority certificate and change the com.hp.ov.nms.ssl.KEY-ALIAS variable.

  6. Start NNMi:
