
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Consolidated Management 2/Network Node Manager i Setup Guide

19.18 NNMi self monitoring

NNMi performs self-monitoring checks, including checks of memory, CPU, and disk resources. NNMi generates an incident when the NNMi management server becomes low on a resource or detects a serious condition.

To view NNMi health information, use one of the following methods:

NNMi opens a status message at the bottom of the NNMi console and at the top of forms when it detects a self-monitoring health exception. You can disable this warning message by completing the following steps:

  1. Edit the following file:

    • Windows: %NNM_PROPS%\


  2. Search for the text block containing the following line:

  3. Uncomment and edit this line to read as follows:
  4. Restart NNMi:

    a. Run the ovstop command on the NNMi management server.

    b. Run the ovstart command on the NNMi management server.