
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Consolidated Management 2/Network Node Manager i Setup Guide

19.2.3 Changing the Custom Poller metric accumulation interval

NNMi sets the period of time (in minutes) during which it accumulates Custom Poller Collection metrics before it writes data into a file. To change the Custom Poller metric accumulation interval, follow these steps:

  1. Edit the following file:

    • Windows: %NNM_PROPS%\


  2. Look for a line that resembles the following:


    To configure NNMi to collect metrics for 10 minutes instead of the default value of 5 minutes, change the line as follows:

  3. Restart the NNMi management server:

    a. Run the ovstop command on the NNMi management server.

    b. Run the ovstart command on the NNMi management server.