
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Consolidated Management 2/Network Node Manager i Setup Guide

14.6 Activating the IPv6 management feature capabilities

Capabilities requiring IPv6 communication, such as discovery of IPv6-only devices and monitoring of IPv6 address status, require an NNMi management server to have a unicast address (that is not a link-local unicast address), such as a global unicast address or a unique local unicast address, configured and operational.

The procedure shown below explains how to enable the IPv6 capabilities by doing the following:

Review and verify all the prerequisites described earlier in this chapter before continuing.

  1. Use the temporary Instant-on license that comes with NNMi, or install an NNMi Advanced license.

    For details about obtaining and installing NNMi licenses, see the manual Job Management Partner 1/Consolidated Management 2/Network Node Manager i Installation Guide. The IPv6 capabilities are not available under the basic NNMi license.

  2. Edit the file.

    Look in the following location:


  3. Locate the text that begins with # Enable NNMi IPv6 Management.

    NNMi provides a complete description of all properties, showing each as a comment in the file.

    a. To enable IPv6 communication in NNMi, uncomment the following property:

    To uncomment a property, remove the #! characters from the beginning of its line.

    b. To enable overall IPv6 communication in NNMi, uncomment the following property:


    c. Save and close the file.

  4. Restart the NNMi management server.

    a. Execute the ovstop command on the NNMi management server.

    b. Execute the ovstart command on the NNMi management server.

  5. Optionally set the SNMP management address preference for dual-stacked managed nodes. Dual-stacked managed nodes are nodes that can communicate using either IPv4 or IPv6. To do this, complete the following steps:

    a. From the NNMi console, click Communication Configuration in the Configuration workspace.

    b. In the IP Version Preference field, select IPv4, IPv6, or Any.

    c. Save your changes.

  6. Check the NNMi processes using the following command:

    ovstatus -v ovjboss

    Successful startup will look something like the following:

    object manager name: ovjboss
     state:               RUNNING
     PID:                 process-ID-#
     last message:        Initialization complete.
     exit status:         -
     additional info:
    SERVICE                                 STATUS
    CommunicationModelService               Service is started
    CommunicationParametersStatsService     Service is started
    CustomPoller                            Service is started
    IslandSpotterService                    Service is started
    ManagedNodeLicenseManager               Service is started
    MonitoringSettingsService               Service is started
    NamedPoll                               Service is started
    NmsApa                                  Service is started
    NmsCustomCorrelation                    Service is started
    NmsDisco                                Service is started
    NmsEvents                               Service is started
    NmsEventsConfiguration                  Service is started
    NmsExtensionNotificationService         Service is started
    NmsTrapReceiver                         Service is started
    NnmTrapService                          Service is started
    PerformanceSpiConsumptionManager        Service is started
    RbaManager                              Service is started
    SpmdjbossStart                          Service is started
    StagedIcmp                              Service is started
    StagedSnmp                              Service is started
    StatePoller                             Service is started
    TrapConfigurationService                Service is started
    TrapPropertiesService                   Service is started
    TrustManager                            Service is started
  7. Once you enable IPv6, NNMi views immediately include the IPv6 inventory for newly discovered nodes.

    After the next discovery cycle, NNMi views will show the IPv6 inventory associated with previously discovered nodes.

To save time, select nodes that you know are dual-stack nodes, and then use the Actions > Polling > Configuration Poll command on the NNMi console. You can also use the nnmnoderediscover.ovpl script to add nodes to the NNMi discovery queue (for details, see the nnmnoderediscover.ovpl Reference Page).

Once you have enabled IPv6 communication on the NNMi management server, NNMi begins monitoring nodes for IPv6 address faults using ICMPv6.