
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Consolidated Management 2/Network Node Manager i Setup Guide

13.11.2 Clock synchronization

All NNMi management servers in your network environment that participate in global network management (global managers and regional managers) or single sign-on (SSO) must have their internal time clocks synchronized in universal time. Use a time synchronization program, such as the UNIX (HP-UX/Linux/Solaris) Network Time Protocol Daemon (NTPD) tool or one of the available Windows operating system tools.

If you see the following message at the bottom of the NNMi console:

NNMi's self monitoring has detected a problem (Minor). Please see Help > System Information > Health for details.

Check the nnm.log file on the global manager for the following message:

[com.hp.ov.nms.topo.spi.server.bridge.BridgeConnectionSelectorImpl] Not connecting to system server-name due to clock difference of number-of-seconds. Remote time is date-time.

Perhaps the clocks have drifted apart and need to be resynchronized.

NNMi will disconnect the regional manager connection within a few minutes of output of this message to the log.

NNMi Self Monitoring will also detect the following problem:

[Minor] The connection to the regional manager 'name' is down.