
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Consolidated Management 2/Network Node Manager i Setup Guide

10.6 Troubleshooting the directory service integration

  1. Verify the NNMi LDAP configuration by running the following command:

    nnmldap.ovpl -info

    If the reported configuration is not as expected, verify the settings in the file.

  2. Force NNMi to re-read the file by executing the following command:

    nnmldap.ovpl -reload
  3. Test the configuration for one user by running the following command:

    nnmldap.ovpl -diagnose NNMi-user

    Replace NNMi-user with the sign-in name of an NNMi user as defined in the directory service.

    Examine the command output and respond appropriately.

  4. Verify that the directory service contains the expected records.

    Use a Web browser or a third-party LDAP browser (for example, the LDAP browser included in Apache Directory Studio) to examine the directory service information.

    Information about the format of a query to a directory service can be found in RFC 1959, An LDAP URL Format, which is available at:
  5. View the %NnmDataDir%\log\nnm\nnm.log (Windows) or /var/opt/OV/log/nnm/nnm.log (UNIX) log file to verify that the sign-in request is correct and to determine if any errors occurred:

    javax.naming.AuthenticationNotSupportedException:[LDAP:error code 13 - confidentiality required]
    • A message similar to the line below indicates that a timeout occurred while communicating with the directory service. In this case, increase the value of searchTimeLimit in the file.

    javax.naming.TimeLimitExceededException:[LDAP: error code 3 - Timelimit Exceeded]