
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Consolidated Management 2/Network Node Manager i Setup Guide

8. Working with Certificates for NNMi

A certificate identifies the Web server to the browser. This certificate can be self-signed or signed by a CA (Certificate Authority). The nnm.keystore file stores private keys and certificates with their corresponding public keys. The nnm.truststore file contains certificates from other parties with whom you expect to communicate or certificates from Certificate Authorities that you trust to identify other parties. NNMi includes a self-signed certificate in both of these files (nnm.keystore and nnm.truststore).

To use certain NNMi features, NNMi management servers need to share their certificates with one another. This chapter contains configuration instructions for copying these certificates among NNMi management servers and using the nnmcertmerge.ovpl script to merge these certificates into the nnm.keystore and nnm.truststore files.

Organization of this chapter